Wednesday, October 11, 2023

I learned a lesson

If you still love someone who left you, never tell them that you're still struggling to forget them, that you still love and miss them. They don't appreciate your feelings, and it would make you appear weak in their eyes. Worse yet, it would make them feel superior to you.

Don't be honest with them. Tell them that you are okay and hide what's inside your heart. Don't let them see you as someone begging for their love. Honesty isn't always a good policy. Let's be fake, and that is okay. We must protect our hearts first. I made this mistake by letting my hurts bleed again. 

Don't repeat my mistake, brothers and sisters. It will hurt you even more. Trust me. This is the best lesson I've learned this year. Hopefully, it will make me wiser. Insha Allah.

Changi Business Park, Singapore


I thought I had healed, but today I realized I was wrong. The pain still hurts, and it continues to bleed. I try to convince myself that I have been getting better, but deep inside my heart, I know I can't let go of you, and I don't know why. I'm struggling to forget you, to stop loving you, and even to hate you, but nothing works. I feel really tired battling with myself. I'm tired of crying, having swinging moods, and racing thoughts. I feel really exhausted.

I'm glad you're doing well in your life. I enjoy rereading your emails. They're as enjoyable as always, as I love hearing your stories from back then. It's good to see that you're still blogging. You are a good storyteller.

Tokyo, Japan