Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Toddler math adventures

I’ve completed five math-related tasks with my four toddlers, with the last simple task happening today. They’ve been learning to count objects using toys and blocks, starting with small numbers. The second task focused on shape recognition, where I introduced basic shapes using toys, books, and shape sorters. When we're outside, I point out shapes they’ve learned at home.

The third task involved sorting and categorizing. I used colored blocks and objects to sort by color, size, or shape. For the fourth task, I chose simple puzzles that involved counting or shape matching to help develop problem-solving skills and spatial awareness, while the sorting task introduced early mathematical concepts, helping the toddlers learn the ropes of math.

The fifth task was playful measuring. I had them use cups or spoons to measure during playtime, like filling and pouring water or sand. One of the activities involved watering their plants with three cups of water each day. I also incorporated math into daily routines, such as counting steps while using the stairs, and sang number songs and rhymes like "This Old Man"