Thursday, December 07, 2023

It's you, always you, only you

"Abang…luka tak?"
"Kenapa tumbuk dinding? Abang kan ada punching bag"
"Entahlah. I have lost my mind"
"Do you miss her?"
"Abang... you can tell me anything"
"I want to move forward. I want to live with you. I want to forget her. Merindu dia buat abang sengsara. I feel drained"
"Sayang, letak ais"
"Tak nak"
"Kalau sakit macam mana nak tolong orang?"
"It's okay, sweetheart. Life gets messy sometimes. Take a rest. Don't quit. I can't bear to lose you. Your kids love you. You've done well up until this point"
"Maybe you're not the problem. Maybe she is. Who knows if the person she chose over you has let her down. She thought he was better than you, but she was mistaken. Who knows, maybe she was calling you back into her life for a second chance. Sometimes people return to what they have lost"
"Since we got married, I've lost count of how many times you've punched the wall without breaking your finger"
"It's okay. I know you love me. I know your heart is for me. I never doubt it. Every girl wants a solid dude, right?"
"If she comes back, let her in. If she wants you, she will work hard to win back your heart"
"It's you, always you, only you"