Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Vita mea nunc

"Tell me your current life"

I couldn't answer your question earlier because I had a tight schedule in Japan. Now, I am in Shanghai, and my life is much better than before. My business has grown excellently, and I no longer struggle financially. Thanks to my wife, who supports me wholeheartedly without ever complaining, especially during times of financial crisis.

I believe I have found the best woman who helps me grow. She was willing to sacrifice her job at a law firm just to take care of the house. She's beautiful, always smiling, and knows how to calm me. I do love spending time with her, talking crap, and laughing at nonsense jokes. We love reading together, cooking meals, and going on hikes.

Please don't worry about the trash you have dumped. I'm okay. Thank you for dropping by to say hi, even though you didn't want to.

Shanghai, China