Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sepatutnya dari Pattani ke Yala tapi semalam ke Trang. Dari Trang jauh pula nak ke Yala, jadi ke Hat Yai. Bermalam di sini. Dari Hat Yai nak ke Yala makan masa juga. Adoi.

Boleh tak nak balik KL? Apalah yang ramai orang seronok sangat ke Hat Yai? Tak seronok langsung.

Nak balik KL. Esok lusa pergi balik kalau rajin.


"Nak ais krim?"
"Tak nak"
"Nak apa?"
"Ha?! Nak abang?"
"Eee tak la"
"Habis tu tadi cakap"
"Kita panggil je"
"Abang…terima kasih payungkan kita…"
"Comel" *cubit pipi*
"Handsome kan"


Dia bukan untukku

Im terdengar Bonda cakap dekat Ara "Kesian Im menangis dekat sejam tadi". Im menangis dalam bilik. Pintu tertutup rapat. Betul Im menangis dekat sejam. Memang Im sedih sangat hari ini sebab dia cakap "Abang boleh buat apa. Kita tak boleh buat apa". Im jawab "Abang tengah cari jalan". Betul Ummi, Im buat solat Istikharah hampir setiap malam. Im sedang cari jalan tapi Tuhan belum berikan petunjuk.

Tadi malam, dia cakap "Abang...hmm....i m like this....whatever we have now....i dont dare to ask for more....i m just glad i still have you in my life...still getting a moment of your time, your attention, your affection". Ummi, maksudnya, dia takkan tinggalkan suami dia untuk Im. Betul tak, Ummi?. Dulu dia tak pilih Im. Takkan sekarang dia berubah hati. Mungkin juga dia tak mahu menaruh harapan.

Mungkin itulah maksud petunjuk yang Tuhan titipkan - berpisah supaya tiada siapa yang terluka…


Im baru habis solat. Sekarang pukul 4 pagi. Im ke dapur. Tekak terasa haus. Bonda sudah bangun. Bonda hidang kek lapis Sarawak bersama teh panas. Sedapnya. Bonda cakap "Apa yang Allah bagi, apa yang Allah tak bagi, itu yang terbaik. Sesuatu yang datang daripada Allah semuanya baik". Im diam. Tak tahu nak cakap apa. Mungkin itulah pujukan yang paling menenangkan saat ini. Im mesti belajar terima hakikat ini.


Petang tadi dia cakap "Saya taktau apa yang saya tunggukan.....tapi saya tetap tunggukan abang....saya taktau apa yang saya harapkan....tapi saya masih menaruh harapan pada abang".  Semalam Im rasa down sebab Im rasa dia tak nak Im. Tapi hari ini lain pula. Mungkin dia keliru atau tidak pasti atau tidak tahu apa yang dia mahukan. Tak apa, Ummi. Im boleh pujuk diri sendiri. Ummi jangan risau. 


*Wahai yang Maha Mengasihi lebih daripada segala yang mengasihi, kami mohon kemudahan yang tidak ada kesulitan sesudahnya. Kecukupan yang tidak ada kemelaratan sesudahnya. Keamanan yang tidak ada kekhawatiran sesudahnya. Kebahagiaan yang tidak ada derita sesudahnya. Amin.

Pattani Darussalam
19 Jun 2024

*Kutipan doa daripada Dr.MS


Hai Ummi,

Dulu Im reda bila dia pilih orang lain. Bila Im sudah terima dia hak orang, dia datang kembali. Kenapa dia perlu datang semula? Untuk apa sebenarnya? Im pun tak pasti. Im rasa down sangat sebab dia cakap dia tak minta lebih sedangkan Im cuba cari jalan untuk hidup dengan dia. Sebenarnya Im tahu dia cuma nak hubungan kami sekadar begini saja. Tak lebih dari ini. Cukup apa yang ada - tetap juga bahagia. 

Mungkin Im yang salah faham. Mungkin Im yang berharap lebih. Mungkin dia tak nak di beri harapan - dia takut di kecewakan. Dia tulis "Reaching out to you, contacting you again and telling you how much I miss you, and missing us too, does not mean I want you that way". Tentulah dia takkan pilih Im. Dulu, kini dan mungkin selamanya. Itu hanya impian. Sebahagian impian hanya tinggal kenangan.

Kalau Tuhan nak Im reda untuk kali kedua, Im belajar untuk terima. Memang hidup tak berikan apa yang kita inginkan. Kata dia, "I broke your heart before with my betrayal, I cant be a heartbreaker again, to a different man. Sitting with him here, staring at him, he had make every effort to keep me happy. Perhaps I can live a life without him, but I cant hurt him. He doesnt deserve that". Inilah hakikat sebenarnya. 

Dia sangat sayangkan suami dia dan Im perlu sedar diri. Im tak nak letakkan dia di persimpangan untuk memilih. Tentu Im akan kalah seperti.dulu. Satu masa nanti, salah seorang antara kami akan berundur dan teruskan hidup seperti sediakala. Tiada hati yang akan terluka. Dia bukan untuk Im - cukuplah Im sayang dia dari jauh. Kalau dulu Im boleh reda dia pergi, tentu Im mampu lakukan kali ini. Im akan cuba. 

Hat Yai, Thailand
20 Jun 2024

Potong kambing

"Kita potong kambing boleh tak, bang?"
"Tak payah la"
"Boleh la. Please"
"Bukan benda besar pun"
"Abang tak pernah sekali pun buat untuk diri abang. Kalau orang lain, cepat je abang suruh potong kambing"
"Ara hantar makan dekat rumah orang tua"
"Ara nak buat majlis untuk abang"
"Benda kecik je"
"Orang tahu ke abang tak pergi Brazil sebab sedih anak tak membesar depan mata? Orang tahu tak abang beria tolong anak orang, anak sendiri kena tinggal. Orang tak tahu abang sedih balik aje anak dah pandai macam-macam. Sedih, kan?"
"Kenapa abang diam?"
"Ara nak gaduh dengan abang malam dah ni"
"Abang aje yang pelik. Nak buat kenduri ke, nak sambut birthday abang ke tak pernah sambut pun masalahnya, beli hadiah ke, kena tanya abang.. Kalau untuk orang lain tak perlu pun tanya"
"Tu la orang perempuan. Tak layan dia rindu. Bila layan ajak gaduh"
"Malas cakap dengan abang"
"Haa tidur"
*tutup lampu*
"Abang nak baca buku"
"Tak kuasa kita layan"
"Salah abang ke?"
*buka lampu*
*tutup lampu*
*buka lampu*
*tutup lampu*
"Araa…jangan merajuk"
"Tangan tu sana eh"
"Sana mana?"
"Shh…jangan bising. Tidur"


Wednesday, June 19, 2024


"Phi Phi Island paling cantik tapi hari tu tutup. Tak tahu dah buka ke belum"
"Ehhh pipi abang kenapa?"
"Ara ni kan……"
"Aww gerammm"


Beli Melaka

"Kita pergi Sabah nak?"
"Buat apa? Cari Kajang Pak Malau Kajang berlipat?"
"Berlipat ke?"
"Entah. Kita sebut je"
"Jom la ajak Bonda"
"Di mana ada Kajang, di situ ada abang kannn"
"Mana ada Kajang. Kajang dekat Pahang"
"Dari Melaka ke Negeri Pahang, singgah sebentar beli Melaka"
"Baru nak ewah dah salah lirik"


3 sen

"Dia buat pengumuman apa hari tu?"
"Telur turun 3 sen"
"Itu aje"
"Gempak kemain buat pengumuman. Tu je?"
"Telur siapa yang turun 3 sen tu?"
"Telur ayam la abang ni"


Terbang tinggi Malaysia!

I am filled with overwhelming joy. Alhamdulillah.

Bravo 🇲🇾! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Isteri solehah

"Abang tak tidur?"
"Baru habis dengan client"
"Client tak reti tidur ke? Dah malam tau"
"New York. Mana nak tidur"
"Orang raya. Abang kerja"
"Client nak cepat. Jalan terus 4 macam minggu lepas"
"Acam tu kita nak uit la. Acam nak banyak cikit hihi"
"Dan-dan buat suara comel"
"Abang nak minum? Acah isteri colehah hihi"


Mature love

How mature love feels like:

1. Mature love understands the concept of ‘me-time’. They don’t invade your personal space. They understand that sometimes people just need a companion, not a listener.

2. Other people have feelings and mature love knows this. They don’t invalidate your feelings or listen to you just for the sake of it, but to understand your point of view, too.

3. Immature love wants drama. Mature love doesn’t. they like to sort things out quietly. and if they’re at fault, they acknowledge, apologise, and work on themselves to be a better person.

4. Immature love doubts the other all the time. “do you love me?”, “where were you?”, “who were you talking to when i called?"

5. Mature love doesn’t need reassurance or explanations. they are patient. They understand the simple truth of love – if there’s no trust, there’s no love.

6. Mature love understands that two people don’t have to end up as one complete person. ‘we’re individuals with different interests, but it doesn’t mean we can’t be together and help each other grow in love.’

7. Immature love will fight with you over late replies, for falling asleep early, and expect you to talk all day. Mature love understands that you’re an independent person with a life of your own.

8. Everyone has a past. Immature love is threatened by your past lovers and strangers. Mature love understands that you’ve a history and they believe in you.

9. Immature couples argue about the things that happened in the past. Mature love fights for the future.


Love came first

You don’t move on after loss, but you must move with. You must shake hands with grief, welcome her in, for she lives with you now. Pull her a chair at the table and offer her comfort. She is not the monster you first thought her to be. She is love. And she will walk with you now, stay with you now, peacefully. If you let her.
And on the days when your anger is high, remember why she came, remember who she represents. Remember. Grief came to you my friend because love came first. Love came first... 

(Donna Ashworth)

Monday, June 17, 2024

Iye ke ni?

Ara: Princess bangun awal buat macam-macam astu kemas bla bla bla
Nenda: Iye ke ni? hehe
Ara: Iye laaaa


Warisan dan tradisi


Kami ziarah 5 buah keluarga hari ini. Seronok mendengar cerita dari zaman kegemilangan Kesultanan Pattani, peperangan merebut wilayah dengan pihak Siam hinggalah tersebarnya orang Melayu Pattani ke Malaysia terutamanya di Perak. Ramai orang Pattani tinggal di Perak. Dari zaman dahulu, mereka ini kaya-raya dan banyak tanah. Mereka tak pandang tanah suku atau setengah ekar. Satu keluarga sekurang-kurangnya memiliki 10-15 ekar tanah. Kegiatan ekonomi utama mereka adalah pertanian.  

Orang tua-tua di sini masih lagi mampu bertutur dalam dialek Melayu-Pattani, sedangkan orang muda kebanyakannya sudah tidak fasih berbahass Melayu. Mereka lebih gemar berbahasa Thai. Di Satun dan Songkhla, mereka tidak mengaku sebagai orang Melayu sebaliknya lebih berbangga berbangsa Thai. Bahasa Melayu Pattani akan pupus sekiranya penuturnya semakin berkurangan. Dialek ini lebih kurang sama dengan loghat Kelantan tetapi berbeza fonologi, suku kata dan lenggok percakapan.

Semalam, Bonda masak rendang ayam hutan. Baru pertama kali makan. Lembut sungguh dagingnya. Bonda masak tak pedas. Perut tak sakit. Sedap sangat. Hari ini Bonda masak tomyam putih. Makan bersama mihun. Ada juga pulut mangga. Malamnya Ara masak sup tulang tapi lupa letak garam. Tentulah Nenda membebel panjang. Nenda suka makan masin walaupun banyak kali di tegah - dia tak endah. Orang tua selalunya degil. Begitulah sifat sejatinya manusia bila sudah meningkat usia.

Jun 17, 2024

Father's Day

Ara dearest,

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have the joy of being a father. Thank you for carrying our quadruplets and for choosing me to be their dad. I am deeply honored. I hope I can be a strong role model for our children. I will guide them, teach them, instill values in them, spend quality time with them, encourage them, and strive to be the best father I can be.

Thank you for the gift of "The Diary of a CEO" by Steven Bartlett. It was a book I had always wanted to read but kept forgetting to buy.

June 17, 2024

I hurt her even more…

I poured out my deep feelings that I had kept for nearly a decade in a long email. It made her sad and feel down. She said in a message, "Saya teruk betul ya..." I didn't intend to make her see herself as "bad" back then. No. I wrote the email while I was on board from San Jose to Singapore. I missed her badly, so I started writing. Sadly, I don't have many memories with her. I do have some, but I can't remember much. My mind keeps half of the memories, and it likes to store the bitter ones. They are still memories, but they are bitter. For me, at least I have something to remember, even if it hurts.

She loved me with all her capabilities, giving me the best she could. I saw that she gave me all she had. Maybe I wanted more and felt it was not enough, even though she had given me her very best.

Another issue arose, and now she misunderstood my words that I tried to explain. I hurt her even more…

Pattani Darussalam
June 18, 2024

Anak sendiri di tirikan

Bonda: Im nak rendang? Ayam hutan sedap
Imran: Boleh jugak nak rasa
Ara: Bonda tak tanya Princes pun. Tanya abang je
Imran: Kejab abang ambil. Ara nak apa? Peha? Kepak?
Bonda: Makan, Im. Dia boleh cedok sendiri
Ara: Sampai hati tau anak sendiri di tirikan mmm



Bonda: Ba, mari makan
Baba: Princess dah makan?
Ara: Bonda kan tak tanya pun Princess nak apa. Bonda kan bla bla bla
Baba: Kesian anak Baba
Ara: Kesian kannn astu Bonda tirikan anak sendiri mmm
Baba: Iye? Kesiannya anak Baba



Ara: Abang
Han: ……
Imran: ……
Ara: Abangggg
Han: ……
Imran: ……
Ara: Abanggggggg
Imran: Ara panggil siapa?
Han: Adik panggil abang?
Ara: Abang la
Imran: Abang mana satu?
Han: Haah, dik
Ara: Abang laa. Orang nak panggil sayang tak kasi. Selalu macam ni
Imran: Ohhh
Ara: Abang jangan duduk sama. Duduk jauh. Susah tau
Han: Adik cakap dengan abang ke Im?
Ara: Eeeee menyampah laaa



"Ara guna sinki masak tadi?"
"Kenapa tak cuci semua? Tinggal 2,3 bekas dalam tu. Sinki tak cuci"
"Acam mana abang tahu?"
"Abang dah cuci tadi"
"Abang marah kita ke?"
"Eleh. Abang marah kita kan"
"Haih. Tegur sikit laju air mata turun. Dah, jangan nangis"
"Abang marah kita…"
"Tak marah. Tegur je"
"Salah abang. Abang manja kita astu marah kita"
"Yela sinki tu jangan biar. Tak baik. Nanti orang cakap abang tak ajar bini"
"Biar la"
"Jangan buat lagi"
"Buat lagi"
"Tengok tu"



"Kb melawa ke hari ni haha"
"Kb biashe biashe je lah hahaha"

Jun 17, 2024


Sunday, June 16, 2024

As long as it is with you

Loving you is challenging; I admit that. But the fruit of being loved by you is sweet. I feel the sweetness of your love to this day. It brings joy to my soul. I feel happy without reason. Loving you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you. I love your voice. I love when you are excited. I love when you become hyper and get naughty. I fall for you every second of every minute.

My mind always travels to you, searching for you. It loves you. It always wonders about you. It misses you every day. It likes you very much. You are the right woman for me. You challenge me, you inspire me, you instill values in me, and I love your intellectual mind that always gives me something to learn from, gain knowledge, and grow each day. 

Happy moments or dull moments, as long as it is with you, it will always complete me.

“इंसान चाहे कितना ही खुश क्यों ना हो, लेकिन जब वो अकेला होता है, तो वो सिर्फ उस इंसान को याद करता है, जिसे वो दिल से प्यार करता है।”

Translation: “No matter how happy a person may be, when they are alone, they remember the one they truly love.”

Pattani Darussalam
17 June 2024

Diesel smuggling in Malaysia

Annual diesel subsidy: 
RM15 billion

RM8 billion

Smuggled value:
- 7-8 billion liters - Per year
- 600 million liters - Per month
- 20 million liters - Per day

Truck capacity:
- Trailer = 500-600 liters 
= 40,000 trailers
- IBC tank = 1,000 liters 
= 20,000 tanks
- Tanker = 20,000 liters 
= 1,000 tankers
- Small truck = 100 liters 
= 200,000 small trucks

It’s quite peculiar that despite the significant number of vehicles crossing the Malaysian border daily for smuggling, there hasn’t been any news about queues forming or congestion at the borders. 

Losing hope

I am in a phase of losing hope. Sadly, that's the truth. I have been hanging on for too long, moving forward each day, pushing myself to hope for the brightest day to come. I pray a lot, make many duas, and sadly, this is my reality.

I am tired physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Pattani Darussalam
16 June 2024

Eid al-Adha

It is a perfect day. I went to the mosque with my father-in-law, brother-in-law, and younger brother-in-law, along with my twin nephews Darwish and Danish and my kids Umar and Adam.

It was emotional to hear the Eid takbir. I wish I had a larger family to celebrate with, but I should be grateful that I have a small family and a kind family-in-law to celebrate this Eid with.

Pattani Darussalam
16 June 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024

I love your genuine self

Being with you after a long separation brought back those bittersweet memories. I never regretted loving you. You are my sweetheart, my hope, my happy moments, my sincere smile, my real laugh. You are the best woman I have ever met. I adore you. I love you in many ways. I love your flaws; I love your genuine self. You were always honest with me, even when you knew it would hurt. That's the beauty of you that I never want to change.

“دلم را به دست آوردی، دلبرا، دلم را به دست آوردی.”

Translation: “You’ve captured my heart, beloved; you’ve truly captured my heart.”

— Hafiz Shirazi

On board to Singapore
June 16, 2024

Friday, June 14, 2024

A real man

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to educate you.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to understand you.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to handle your attitude.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to accept your flaws. Remember, looks are everyday, but a person with a good mindset is rare.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to support your dreams and aspirations, encouraging you to reach your full potential.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to communicate openly and honestly, fostering a relationship built on trust and transparency.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to stand by you through thick and thin, demonstrating loyalty and commitment.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to respect your independence, understanding that a strong relationship is built on mutual respect and equality.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to inspire you to be your best self, pushing you to grow and evolve in every aspect of your life.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to be patient and forgiving, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and that love involves understanding and compassion.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to appreciate the small things, finding joy in the everyday moments that make life special.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to be kind and generous, not just to you, but to others, showing a heart full of love and empathy.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to take responsibility for his actions, demonstrating integrity and accountability in all that he does.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to cherish your individuality, loving you for who you are and not for who he wants you to be.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to bring peace into your life, providing a safe haven where you feel valued and secure.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to share in your happiness and sorrows, being a true partner in all of life's ups and downs.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to dream with you, envisioning a future where both of your hopes and aspirations can thrive together.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to practice gratitude, recognizing the blessings in your relationship and celebrating the love you share.

Pray to find a man who is matured enough to love you deeply and genuinely, offering a love that is both profound and enduring.


Don't blame her

Dear man, don't blame her for your relationship problems because when she chose you, she believed in you, but your actions did not match your words.

Dear man, don't blame her for not meeting your needs. Relationships are a partnership, and it takes effort from both sides to understand and fulfill each other's needs.

Dear man, don't blame her for your own insecurities. Instead, work on building your self-confidence and trust in the relationship.

Dear man, don't blame her for the lack of communication. Open and honest dialogue is crucial, and it requires both partners to actively listen and share their feelings.

Dear man, don't blame her for the arguments. Every relationship has conflicts, but it's how you resolve them together that matters.

Dear man, don't blame her for your unhappiness. Find the root cause within yourself and work towards personal growth and contentment.

Dear man, don't blame her for the distance growing between you. Make an effort to reconnect, spend quality time together, and rebuild the bond you once shared.

Dear man, don't blame her for her emotions. Everyone experiences feelings differently, and it's important to be empathetic and supportive.

Dear man, don't blame her for the changes in your relationship. Relationships evolve over time, and it's essential to adapt and grow together.

Dear man, don't blame her for not understanding you. Take the time to express your thoughts and feelings clearly, and be patient as she tries to understand your perspective.

Dear man, don't blame her for your stress or external pressures. Find healthy ways to cope with stress and support each other through difficult times.

Dear man, don't blame her for the unmet expectations. Reevaluate your expectations and communicate openly about what you both need and want from the relationship.

Dear man, don't blame her for your dissatisfaction. Focus on what you can do to improve the relationship and bring joy back into your lives.

Dear man, don't blame her for seeking emotional support elsewhere. If she feels unheard or unsupported, work on being there for her and making her feel valued.

Dear man, don't blame her for the lack of intimacy. Intimacy requires emotional closeness and trust, so work on building those aspects in your relationship.

Dear man, don't blame her for feeling overwhelmed. Offer your help and support to share the responsibilities and lighten her load.

Dear man, don't blame her for her mistakes. Everyone makes errors; it's how you both learn and grow from them that strengthens your relationship.

Dear man, don't blame her for the past. Focus on the present and work towards a better future together, leaving past grievances behind.

Dear man, don't blame her for the ups and downs. Every relationship has its highs and lows, and it's your commitment to each other that will see you through.


About love

If one would ask me about Love,
I would say love is inevitable, Such as Death.
You can choose not to engage in such committment,
but you will love unintentionally, naturally and even cataclysmically.
You can deny it
You can hate it
You can ignore it
But it will hunt you in your awakeness, in your unconsciousness, in your happy and impeccable hours,
And it will tear you apart.



"Junior kita tanya dari mana dapat nama Hasha. Dia cakap sedap astu dia nak namakan anak dia Hasha"
"Hasha tu H bukan Y"
"Kita tengok orang eja Y. Abang tu yang pelik"
"Tak ada pelik. Memang H"
"Orang tua acam tu la ejaan jaman 70-an hihi"


Choose a man not a boy

Choose the man who never stops opening up all parts of you. The man who sees your layers and gently, persistently, helps you reveal and embrace each one. His understanding and patience allow you to explore depths within yourself that you never knew existed.

Choose the man whose touch takes you to places you didn't know existed. His presence is a catalyst for your personal growth, and his touch is a doorway to new realms of pleasure, comfort, and connection. With him, you discover sensations and emotions that transcend the ordinary, leading to profound experiences.

Choose the man whose energy has you aching for more. His vitality and passion ignite a fire within you, inspiring you to live fully and passionately. His energy complements yours, creating a dynamic and exhilarating connection that leaves you wanting more of the beautiful moments you share together.

Choose the man who has taken the time to know your body, mind, and spirit. He appreciates every aspect of who you are, valuing your physical presence, your intellectual insights, and your spiritual essence. This man understands you deeply and cherishes the entirety of your being.

Choose the man you can trust with your soul. His integrity, loyalty, and love provide a safe haven for your most vulnerable self. You feel secure in sharing your deepest fears, dreams, and desires with him, knowing that he will honor and protect your soul with unwavering commitment.

Choose the man who supports your growth and evolution. He encourages you to pursue your passions and dreams, standing by your side through every challenge and triumph. His belief in your potential empowers you to become the best version of yourself.

Choose the man who listens and understands. He is attentive and empathetic, valuing your thoughts and feelings. His ability to listen without judgment creates a space where you feel heard and validated, fostering a deep emotional connection.

Choose the man who loves you unconditionally. He sees your imperfections and loves you not despite them, but because of them. His unconditional love provides a foundation of acceptance and security, allowing you to be completely yourself.

Choose the man who shares your values and dreams. He is aligned with your vision for the future, and together, you build a life based on shared goals and mutual respect. His partnership enriches your journey, making every moment meaningful.

Choose the man who brings joy and laughter into your life. His sense of humor and playfulness lighten your heart and bring happiness to your days. With him, even the simplest moments are filled with joy and delight.

Choose the man who respects your independence. He understands the importance of your individuality and supports your need for personal space and growth. His respect for your independence strengthens your bond, creating a balanced and healthy relationship.

Choose the man who makes you feel cherished and adored. His gestures of love and appreciation remind you daily of your worth and beauty. With him, you feel treasured and celebrated, enhancing your self-love and confidence.

Choosing a man with these qualities, you embrace a relationship filled with depth, passion, and unwavering support. This partnership becomes a source of strength, joy, and profound fulfillment.


Safe space

One of the sexiest things a man can do is provide a safe space for a woman to be soft, and then match her vulnerability.

When a man creates an environment where a woman feels truly seen, heard, and valued, it allows her to let down her guard and express her deepest feelings and desires.

This kind of emotional intimacy fosters a connection that goes beyond physical attraction, building a foundation of trust and respect.

When he responds to her openness with his own, sharing his fears, dreams, and insecurities, it deepens their bond and creates a shared sense of authenticity.


True partnership

The wrong man in your life will teach you that you can do it all by yourself.

The right man will know you can, but will not let you.

He will stand by your side, share the load and assist you in thriving together.

Because in a true partnership, strength is found in unity, not isolation. And it's a real a man's job to set the tone in a relationship. This is why showing up for her and being consistent is so important.

She can't feel safe with you if you're not leading properly.


Tutup aurat

"Bagus la. Sayang laki kena tutup aurat. Nanti dia kena campak dalam api neraka. Antara 5 golongan Allah murka, salah satunya suami dayus. Biarkan isteri tak tutup aurat. Tak kisah depan orang luar, ipar-duai. Benda wajib kena buat. Sekian tazkirah"
"Sejak abang ada, semua orang laki pergi masjid sampai bini-bini risau. Anak sedara pun suka jemaah termasuk keluarga sana. Aura positif sangat"
"Laki pergi masjid risau apa?"
"Kawin dua hihi"
"Itu je otak orang perempuan"
"Mesti la. Terberkenalan, terjatuh cinta. Terkawin, ter-ada anak"


"Entah. Dia bagi lagu. Abang tak dengar pun"
"Abang ada relay dengan dia?"
"Mana ada"
"Abang nak make sure dia siapkan submission. Tu je. Tapi entah dia. Abang dah kurang reply mesej dia. Malas nak serabut"
"Awak nak ambil laki kita ke? Eee jahatnya awak"
"Abang, kita nak baca apa dia tulis"
"Dia dah delete"
"Astu abang delete je dia. Apa susah. Cenang je"

Three questions by Leo Tolstoy

"Three Questions" is a short story by Russian author Leo Tolstoy first published in 1885 as part of the collection What Men Live By, and Other Tales. The story takes the form of a parable, and it concerns a king who wants to find the answers to what he considers the three most important questions in life.

Summary :
The thought came to a certain king that he would never fail if he knew three things. These three things were

  • What was the right time to begin everything?
  • Who were the right people to listen to, and whom to avoid?
  • What was the most important thing to do?

He proclaimed that the ones who give the right answers shall be rewarded. Many learned men attempted to answer the king's questions, but they all came up with different answers. The king decided that he needed to ask a wise hermit in a nearby village. The hermit would only see common people, however, so the king put on common dress, left his guards behind, and went to see the hermit. The hermit was digging flower beds when the king arrived. The king asked his questions, but the hermit went on digging. The king offered to dig for him for a while. After digging for some time, the king again asked his questions. Before the hermit could answer, a man emerged from the woods. He was bleeding from a terrible stomach wound. The king tended to him, and they stayed the night in the hermit's hut. By the next day the wounded man was doing better, but was incredulous at the help he had received. The man confessed that he knew who the king was, and that the king had executed his brother and seized his property. He had come to kill the king, but the king's guards had wounded him. The man pledged allegiance to the king, and he went on his way. The king asked the hermit again for his answers, and the hermit responded that he had just had his questions answered.

The most important time is NOW. The present is the only time over which we have power.

The most important person is the person you are with.

The most important thing is to do good to the person you are with.


Jangan suka marah orang

Daddy: Dah kemas beg?
Kakak: Dah
Daddy: Kakak marah daddy sebab apa?
Kakak: ……
Daddy: Jangan suka marah orang. Nanti dapat partner suka marah Kakak, baru Kakak tahu apa rasa selalu kena marah. Tak buat salah pun kena marah. Salah sikit pun kena marah. Tuhan tak suka orang suka marah-marah orang
Kakak: Ummm……
Daddy: Daddy cuma nasihat. Terpulang kalau tak nak dengar. Kakak dah besar

Sayangilah tulur anda

"Mende call tengah malam?"
"Gua ada cerita"
"Esok lusa cerita boleh? Aku nak mandi. Tiket kapal salah beli. Masak bini nak balik raya"
"Otak lu pergi mana?"
"Dapat maklumat salah"
"Hangus ar?"
"Belum goreng"
"Pape roger"
"Orite bro!"
"A bro doesn't bath with hot water, he respect his 2 eggs kahkahkah"
"Sayangilah tulur anda kahkahkah"

Air rahsia

"Ara bagi abang minum apa semalam? Lepas minum ngantuk terus"
"Ada laaa"
"Terima kasih urut. Lena tidur"
"Sama-sama kasih"
"Kenapa tak urut benda lain sekali? hahaha"
"Abang ni kannn. Geram tau"
"Dah geram bagi abang tidur. Nak boleh buat apa hahaha"

Thank you

Ara darling,

I apologize for the issue with the flight ticket. I will correct my mistake as soon as possible. Thank you for a delightful evening. I feel rejuvenated and relaxed. My body has regained its energy. I have been feeling tired for a few weeks, and you have helped me feel refreshed again. We will be celebrating Eid in Southern Thailand. Please don't worry, okay?

Much love,

Jangan lambat

"Kita baca satu post dekat FB by Caitlin Fladager. Kita teringat abang"
"Hal apa?"
"Kita gaduh and abang still pegang tangan kita even kita marah…"
"Lepas tu?"
"Itu aje"
"Acam susah cakap dengan orang tua. Processor 98 mmm...slow ngat ngat"
"Dah cerita pun pendek tu je"
"Thank you…"
"Abang sakit pinggang?"
"Sorry…ri tu kita buat tak tahu je mmm kita marah kan…"
"Lenguh duduk lama"
"Kita rasa kita teruk. Bukan salah abang ais krim tu kan…tapi kita marah abang"
"Tak apa. Dah la tu"
"Abang…tak payah la buat kerja"
"10 minit, boleh?"
"Jangan lambat tau"


"Abang bayangkan la, wife dia duduk bilik asing kunci pintu. Tak faham ke bengal?"
"Serumah lagi, kan?"
"Seorang tingkat atas. Seorang tingkat bawah"
"Gaduh sebab apa?"
"Malam Jumaat. Dia tendang pintu sampai pecah. Simen dekat bingkai pintu pecah. Bukan retak tau, pecah"
"Kuatnya tendang"
"Menangis-nangis call Baba"
"Baba dah pergi?"
"Laki jenis apa paksa bini macam tu? Dayus je"
"Of course perempuan rasa macam kena rogol even dengan husband sendiri. Tak rela di sentuh"
"Ye la"
"Sampai koyak-koyak baju. Geram betul la"

Thursday, June 13, 2024

Salah tarikh

"17, bang"
"20 la"
"Laa abang salah tarikh"
"Kita dah lama pelik"
"Habis tu kenapa tak betulkan abang"
"Abang kan tua. Kita maafkan hihi"

"Ara hmm kita ada masalah lain"
"Apa bang?"
"Flight kita kan hmm SJO pergi Toronto pergi Indira Gandhi pergi PNQ Pune pergi Singapore hmmm"
"Laaa. Abanggg"
"Raya kan abang dah salah tarikh"
"Mmm macam mana?"
"Macam mana…salah abang"
"Are you okay? Pasal Krabi? Kita tak payah balik kampung. It's okay, abang"
"Tak hmm… Abang nak pergi Goa. Tersalah tarikh raya. Secy cakap 20. Abang pun tak check"

Balik raya (4)

Daddy: Amboi! Banyaknya baju
Daneal: *belum berhenti letak baju dalam beg*
Daddy: Kasut berapa pasang nak bawa?
Daneal: *dua kali ulang ambil kasut*
Daddy: Nama pun balik raya, kan? Memang kena bawa banyak baju

Balik raya (3)

Daddy: Raysha, baju mana? Tak letak pun dalam beg
Raysha: *ambil baju warna pink*
Daddy: Satu je?
Raysha: Satu
Daddy: Adoi. Minimalis sangat ni

Balik raya (2)

Daddy: Luqman, ambil baju. Daddy nak letak dalam beg
Luqman: *ambil baju biru*
Daddy: Seluar, jaket, stokin
Luqman: *ulang 5 kali letak baju dalam beg*
Daddy: Kita nak berjalan jauh. Baju kena banyak, kan?

Balik raya (1)

Daddy: Okey, ambil baju cepat. Kita nak balik raya
Hasha: *ambil baju warna pink*
Daddy: Satu ni je?
Hasha: *angguk*
Daddy: Amboi light travel betul ni. Ambil lagi baju. Mana cukup satu. Stokin, seluar, apa lagi
Hasha: *hulur botol susu*
Daddy: Botol susu yang paling penting eh. Baju tak payah. Kita basuh je, kan?

Tak nak tidur

Daddy: Tidur-tidur. Bangun nanti kita main. Lepas tu malam kena tidur. Doktor cakap baby kena tidur. Kalau tak, berat tak naik kesian dekat baby. Kena dengar cakap doktor
Raysha: Tak nak
Daddy: Kecik-kecik dah pandai menjawab eh. Tengok semua dah tidur. Raysha bila nak tidur? Hasha pun dah tidur

Laki gatal

"Dia orang keluar novel. Tak tahu pun"
"Tak payah beli, tak payah baca. Siapkan artikel pasal hak asasi Palestin lagi baik"
"Kita tak suka jambang laki dia. Eww macam laki gatal"
"Laki awak pun berjambang"
"Laki kita tak gatal. Serius aje acam orang tua hihihi


"Tengah trending so Ara follow je tapi tak suka dia"
"Show off sangat usap-usap pipi, janggut suami dia. Baring atas riba. Tak sesuai tunjuk dekat public. Dia kan muslimah"
"Suruh la usap punai laki dia sekali. Baru betul tonjolkan kemesraan hahaha"
"Eee abang ni kan"

Media sosial

"Abang ingat tak kes Aisyah Hijanah?"
"Yang madu lepas tu gaduh sana sini kata untuk content tu?"
"Ha'a. Yang abang kesiankan tu"
"Kenapa dengan dia?"
"Ada pembongkaran menarik tau. Dia orang kutip derma"
"Derma apa?"
"Tak pasti. PW tengah bongkar. Abang la kesiankan dia sangat"
"Laa abang pulak"
"Tu sebabnya orang macam abang tak sesuai main sosmed. Sesuai main bini je hahaha"

Pantai Timur

"Balik awal, bang. Tak pasal sangkut dengan saing hok kelik Kelate. Satu jale"
"Dia orang bukan ikut Cameron - Lojing - Gua Musang ke?"
"Kelik KB ikuk Grik"
"Mana la orang tak kata Ara orang Kelantan"
"Hola. Sokmo kato kito ore Pata Timur. Bilo maso"
"Haha marah pulak dia"


"Abang nak lalu Mini Amazon masa pergi Siam"
"Sunyi la, bang"
"Mana sunyi dengan Sumpitan?"
"Sumpitan better"
"Lagi sunyi dari Kupang?"
"Kupang ada stesen minyak. Sana tak ada"
"Kira sunyi betul la ni"
"Semua orang lalu Bukit Kayu Hitam, abang nak panjat Pengkalan Hulu. Suka sangat memanjat"
"Panjat Ara tak cukup haha"
"Aduh! Sakit Ara"


"Kenapa abang tanam pokok renek? Bukan ada function and why abang panggil renek?"
"Apa pulak tak ada fungsi? Cantik rumah ada pokok tu. Renek tapi akar kuat. Tengok dari jauh nampak teratur, sedap mata memandang"
"Kita tengok biasa je"
"Mata perempuan mana ada seni"
"Kita kan tak nak laki suka pokok sebab mesti banyak nyamuk astu dapat laki suka pokok, suka kolam astu suka air pancut. Betul sangat. Tuhan bagi yang kita tak nak"
"Tak habis la dengan nyamuk"
"Abang tak tahu ke nyamuk haiwan paling bahaya dalam dunia?"
"Malam nanti abang jadi nyamuk"
"Abang nak kena spray ke?"


"Hai Ara"
"Hai abang"
"Masak apa berbuka?"
"Rendang lagi?"
"Semua kita rendangkan"
"Saja call nak dengar suara walaupun duduk serumah"
"Abang sakit dada. Nak tidur kejab. Asar gerak abang, boleh?"
"Okey, sayang"
"Ara…masam hahaha"
"Siap abang kita rendangkan"
"Ye, ye malam ni kita rendang satu sama lain hahaha"

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Doa yang di ulang

Usai solat dalam penerbangan tadi, abang doa agar awak di berikan jodoh yang baik, hidup yang bahagia dan keluarga yang gembira. Abang doa agar awak di temukan dengan lelaki yang memahami awak, memahami kerjaya awak, mendengar cerita-cerita awak dan berkongsi susah senang dengan awak. Jujur dari hati abang ingin melihat awak bahagia.

November, 2014


"Hi abang. Good morning"
"Dah solat?"
"Nak ikut petik buah?"
"Boleh jugak"
"Mood baik pagi ni"
"Sakit ke tangan?"
"Kuat tak abang genggam?"
"Tengok. Ada bekas?"
"Tak la. Kita drama je. Kalau sakit dah lama jerit sakit, sakit"
"Haih Ara ni kan"

Pelik bin ajaib

Umar: Why did she clean her room every day? What is she protesting?
Daddy: Kakak protes apa?
Umar: She likes to protest every little thing
Daddy: Bagus la tu Kakak kemas. Bersih bilik
Umar: Pelik bin ajaib


Adam: Kakak already packed her bag!
Umar: You're joking, right?
Adam: See to believe


Umar: Daddy, Kakak's already got her bag packed
Daddy: Awal pulak kemas.
Umar: Strange.
Daddy: People can change
Umar: What happened?
Daddy: Asal berubah untuk kebaikan tak payah kita nak tahu lebih
Adam: My pious sister hehe


Umar: Bilik Kakak bersih
Kakak: I know
Umar: Why did you clean your room?
Kakak: I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't



"Nak pergi mana?"
"Tak boleh. Duduk sini"
"Apa masalah abang?"
"Abang suruh duduk. Makan"
"Teman abang makan"
"Lepas la! Abang!"
"Abang! Lepas!"
"Ara…cuba bertenang"
"Lepas la abang!"
"Tak nak"
"Duduk sini"
"Tak nak"
"Tak nak"
"Buka mulut"
"Buka mulut"
"Tak nak"
"Buka mulut"
"Dia yang lapar lepas tu mengamuk"
"Bila masa"
"Depan rezeki jangan gaduh"
"Sedak nanti"

"Okey dah?"
"Minum air tu"
"Pergi la tidur. Abang kemas dapur"

"Ara, tak nak tidur dengan abang?"
"Abang tidur sini boleh?"
"Tak boleh"
"Kenapa tak boleh?"
"Bilik Ara"
"Tolong gosok pinggang boleh? Lenguh, duduk lama"
"Tak nak"
"Good night"

Silent treatment

"Silent treatment berapa hari ni?"
"Kalau dekat Itali halal, kita pergi sana beli, okey?"
"Tak nak"
"Sama je"
"Salah abang ke?"
"Ye la. Abang yang check"
"Habis tu nak makan benda syubhah? Menjauhi yang meragukan satu kewajipan"
"Abang yang ragu. Kita tak"
"Dah abang ketua keluarga mesti la abang ambil berat"
"Ara suka, Ara tak suka, Ara tak boleh makan. Abang tak izinkan"
"Malas la cakap dengan abang"

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Tak boleh di ganti

Ara ━ Tak boleh tak dapat apa yang dia inginkan. Tak boleh ganti dengan benda selain yang dia mahukan. Kalau dia nak A, A jugalah yang perlu di beri. Tak boleh di ganti dengan B,C,D.

Tarik muka

"Yang tarik muka dengan abang kenapa? Tak habis lagi pasal ais krim?"
"Kita cari ais krim lain"
"Tak nak"

Monday, June 10, 2024


"Abang pergi mana? Lambat balik"
"Dekat masjid. Tak pergi mana"
"Kenapa mata?"
"Masuk habuk"
"Mesti nangis"
"Abang…tak nak sarapan sama?"

"Abang tak ada selera"
"Ara urut, nak?"

"Abang nak tidur…"
"Get rest, sayang"
"Jangan pergi mana"



"Gebu-gebu hehe"
"Puji pun marah"
"Mana ada maraahh"
"Abang handsome kan kan"
"Memang takde ubat la perasan abang niii"

Jun 5, 2024

Sedap dan mantap

"Venchi tak halal"
"Mana abang tahu?"
"Tak jumpa rekod dekat Jakim"
"Alaaa kenapa abang check"
"Eh dia"
"Ais krim abang ada. Sedap, mantap, bermutu tinggi hahaha"
"Eeee tak nak la"
"Dia handsome hehe tak nak ke?"

Bertahan Sakit Pergi Sulit


Sunday, June 09, 2024


"Mata masuk habuk. Hmm… 210 mati syahid sebab nak selamatkan 4 orang Israel"
"Ara dah baca…sedih sangat"
"MRE dah order?"
"Bila nak habis perang?"
"Selagi tak mati semua takkan habis"
"Genocide. Negara Arab buat apa? Tengok je? Tak ada hati perut"

The Israel Defence Forces has confirmed it carried out a hostage rescue operation in the area this morning, bringing home four Israelis that were captured during the 7 October Hamas attacks. The Hamas-led government has said at least 210 Palestinians were killed during the operation, and a further 400 were wounded.

Gaza health ministry says 274 killed in Israeli raid on refugee camp.

The Hamas-run health ministry has just given an update on the number of Palestinians killed in yesterday's Israeli raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp. 

It says 274 Palestinians were killed - up from 210 deaths reported earlier.

The health ministry said 698 people were injured.

Israel carried out a series of strikes yesterday in a bid to rescue hostages being held by Hamas. 

Four Israeli hostages were rescued during the operation. 

Israel previously said there were "under 100" Palestinian casualties during raids on the refugee camp, where it said the four freed hostages were being held in two locations. 

Masters of Theological Studies

1. Mishnah 
i.e. the official "oral law"; written between 70 BCE - 200 CE, and compiled around 200. This collection includes both the Danby and Neusner translations. This would affect understandings of the New Testament culture and interactions.

2. Tosefta
Supplement to the oral law from the 2nd century;

3. Talmud
Rabbinic commentaries on the Mishnah (oral law), compiled around the 5th century. There are two Talmuds that exist: the Jerusalem (or Palestine) Talmud, and the Babylonian Talmud, the latter of which is the much more robust, the mainstay, and preeminent Talmud. The print series in this collection is the Babylonian Talmud; Neusner translation.

4. Midrash Rabbah
Rabbinic commentary on the Biblical / written texts (i.e. the Hebrew scriptures / Old Testament, distinct from the oral law commentaries). This was written around the 4th - 6th centuries.

5. Midrash Tanchuma
Homilies on and aggadic interpretations of the weekly sections of the Torah; written around the 8th - 9th centuries.

6. Introduction to Rabbinic Literature
This in-depth book, written by Jacob Neusner, explains how all of these Jewish writings intertwine with each other, the Bible, and the culture of ancient Judaism. If you're unfamiliar with these writings, then this book will be very helpful.

7. JPS Tanakh 
(Interlinear Hebrew-English) i.e. The Hebrew Scriptures (a.k.a. The Old Testament)
The Hebrew scriptures (or, the Old Testament), in the Jewish format of the canon (same material but organized differently), and has Hebrew and English interlaid throughout. For those who don't know, the term "Tanakh", or abbreviated TNK, stands for Torah ("the law", the first five books of the Bible), Nevi'im ("the prophets"), and Ketuvim ("The writings"), which describes the three sections of the Old Testament / Hebrew Scriptures.

8. Digital Copies of the Talmuds both the Jerusalem and Babylonian Talmuds.


Daddy; Pegang apa tu? Bak daddy tengok
Raysha: *genggam lagi kuat*
Daddy: Buka tangan
Raysha: Tak nak
Daddy: Kecik-kecik dah pandai kerek eh

Abang jahat

"Bual apa dengan Ary?"
"Petua hebat di ranjang"
"Takdok cito laey ko nok kecek?"
"Sebelum dia merapu baik abang bagi petua"
"Abe jupo mano? Hok ni pung samo jah"
"Terjumpa. Simpan je la. Memang simpan untuk Ary"
"Ore jatey ngaruk sungguh la"
"Janji abang jahat hahahahaha"
"Jahat la abang niiii. Tak nak kawan"

Petua hebat di ranjang

"Mana lu?"
"Rumah la mana lagi"
"Wey gampang"
"Lama nak tanya tapi selalu lupa. Lu anak berapa?"
"Jap wa kira. 5 kot"
"Bukan 1 je ke?"
"Wa ada kembar jantan betina"
"Mana satu? Tak ingat"
"Asal? Mau ilmu jolok? Kalu mau cakap. Wa share. Sharing is caring"
"Lain tak ada. Itu je la. Janda aku tanya kau kenduri sejam ke seminit? Dia cakap sejam mana sempat kenduri banyak"
"Harey hoi. Lu tanya dia satu minggu berapa kali kenduri"
"Perempuan, biasa la. Petah berkata-kata. Ada je jawapan"
"Cegampang ek"
"Aku ada petua hebat di ranjang. Nak ke? Semalam baru jumpa. Panas lagi ni"
"Share sikit sheikh"
"Naik terus martabat hahaha"
"Mula hari Ahad. Ahad makan sebiji telur ayam, Isnin dua biji, Selasa tiga. Rabu empat, Khamis lima, Jumaat enam. Sabtu tak payah"
"Asal ek?"
"Dah buku tulis macam tu. Sebelum minum baca Ya Qowiyyu Ya Matin 7x tanpa nafas"
"Tak puasa Zulhijjah ke?"
"Zul apa?"
"Tak ada apa la"
"Baby gua panggil. Roger & out"
"Tengah-tengah hari ni tak panas ke adoi"

Taman syurga

Gambar ini bertarikh 18 Mei 2021. Pakcik belum ada anak ketika ini. Isteri pakcik belum mengandung. Pakcik lupa nama awak. Pakcik cuma ingat, pakcik simpan gambar awak sebab awak salah seorang mangsa kekejaman Israel sebelum peperangan Oktober 2023. Tubuh awak berkecai di bom dan pakcik merasa sangat sedih.

Wahai anak,

Semoga engkau riang bermain di taman syurga.

Saturday, June 08, 2024


A special memory

"Kb nak frienddd"

April 17, 2024

A little moment. Whenever I remember it, it never fails to make me smile.


"If i can be part of that forgotten would make your life a lot easier, kan bang?"
"Tak jugak. Nanti sibuk nak mengingat"
"Dah lupa, nak ingatkan apa lagi bangg. Pakej je terus lupa dari 2007/08-2014. Setel kan kan kan"
"Awak nak ke lupa orang yang awak sayang?"
"Alaa...tak payah la tanya saya pulak..."
"Jawapannya tak nak, kan?"
"Dah Tuhan nak bagi rasa sakit. Kena la rasa. Kalau awak dekat tempat abang, awak nak lupakan?"
"Nak la kot....dah disakiti...dikhianati...."
"Saya di tempat saya....saya tetap ingat abang, kenangkan abang...tapi kalau saya di tempat abang...i really wish you would forget all about me...all the hurt..."
"Tapi kalau lupa, lupa semua sekali"
"Takpe la kalau lupa pun...takde lagi abang sakit kan..."

Jun 2, 2024


"There are moments when i wish i could roll back the clock and take all the sadness away, but I have a feeling that if I did, the joy would be gone as well."

— Nicholas Sparks


Map Showing Anglo-Norman Invasions of Ireland in 12th Century

Accepting loss for happiness

Sometimes, if you want to be happy, you have to accept the things that are already lost.


Orientalism and Occidentalism

Orientalism and Occidentalism are terms used to describe contrasting views and representations of the East (Orient) and the West (Occident) in academic, cultural, and political contexts.

1. Orientalism:
  • Orientalism is a term coined by Edward Said in his influential book titled "Orientalism" published in 1978. Said argued that Orientalism is a way of seeing the East (primarily the Middle East, Asia, and North Africa) through a Eurocentric lens that portrays the East as exotic, backward, and inferior to the West.
  • According to Said, Orientalism involves the study, depiction, and representation of Eastern cultures and peoples by Western scholars, artists, writers, and policymakers. He criticized Orientalism for perpetuating stereotypes, prejudices, and power dynamics that reinforce Western dominance over the East.
  • Orientalism has been associated with colonialism, imperialism, and the construction of a binary opposition between the civilized, rational West and the primitive, irrational East.

2. Occidentalism:
  • Occidentalism is a term used to describe the mirror image of Orientalism, whereby non-Western cultures (especially in the East) construct essentialized and often negative representations of the West.
  • Occidentalism portrays the West as decadent, materialistic, arrogant, and morally corrupt. It often emphasizes the negative aspects of Western modernity, such as consumerism, individualism, and cultural imperialism.
  • Occidentalism can be found in various cultural expressions, including literature, art, media, and political discourse in non-Western societies. It serves as a form of resistance against Western hegemony and as a means of asserting cultural identity and autonomy.

Poetic forms and techniques

LThose interested in poetry here are some common poetic forms and techniques:

1. Sonnet: A sonnet is a 14-line poem with a specific rhyme scheme. It traditionally consists of iambic pentameter and is often used to express intense emotions or explore complex themes. There are two main types of sonnets: the Italian (Petrarchan) sonnet and the English (Shakespearean) sonnet.

2. Haiku: Haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. It consists of three lines with a 5-7-5 syllable pattern. Haiku typically captures a moment in nature and evokes a sense of reflection or enlightenment.

3. Villanelle: A villanelle is a highly structured poem with 19 lines and a specific rhyme scheme. It consists of five tercets (three-line stanzas) followed by a quatrain (four-line stanza). The first and third lines of the opening tercet are repeated throughout the poem, creating a powerful and memorable effect.

4. Free Verse: Free verse is a form of poetry that does not follow a specific rhyme scheme or meter. It allows poets to express themselves without the constraints of traditional poetic forms. Free verse often focuses on the rhythm and musicality of language.

5. Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things, suggesting a similarity between them. It adds depth and imagery to a poem by using one object or idea to represent another, often creating a fresh perspective or deeper understanding.

6. Alliteration: Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in close proximity. It creates a musical and rhythmic effect in poetry, adding emphasis and enhancing the overall sound and flow of the poem.

7. Enjambment: Enjambment occurs when a sentence or phrase in a poem continues onto the next line without a pause or punctuation. It allows for a smoother flow of ideas and creates a sense of continuation and fluidity.

8. Imagery: Imagery refers to the use of vivid and descriptive language that appeals to the senses. Poets use imagery to evoke emotions and create powerful mental images in the reader's mind, enhancing the overall impact and meaning of the poem.

9. Rhyme: Rhyme is the repetition of similar sounds, usually at the end of lines in a poem. It adds musicality and structure to the poem and can create a sense of harmony or contrast between different ideas or emotions.

10. Personification: Personification is a literary technique where human qualities or characteristics are attributed to inanimate objects, animals, or abstract concepts. It brings life and personality to non-human elements, allowing the reader to connect and relate to them on a deeper level.

11. Ballad: A ballad is a narrative poem that tells a story, often with a musical quality. It typically consists of quatrains (four-line stanzas) with a rhyme scheme and a steady rhythm.

12. Ode: An ode is a lyrical poem that expresses deep emotions or admiration for a person, place, or thing. It often has a formal structure and elaborate language.

13. Elegy: An elegy is a mournful and reflective poem that laments the loss of someone or something. It expresses grief or sadness and often reflects on the fleeting nature of life.

14. Pantoum: A pantoum is a form of poetry with a specific structure of repeated lines. It consists of quatrains, where the second and fourth lines of each stanza become the first and third lines of the next stanza.

15. Sestina: A sestina is a complex form of poetry that consists of six stanzas of six lines each, followed by a three-line envoy. The same six end-words are repeated in a specific pattern throughout the poem.

16. Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that compares two things using "like" or "as." It creates vivid and imaginative descriptions by drawing parallels between unrelated objects or ideas.

17. Hyperbole: Hyperbole is a literary technique that involves exaggeration for emphasis or dramatic effect. It adds intensity and emphasis to a poem by stretching the truth for rhetorical purposes.

18. Onomatopoeia: Onomatopoeia is the use of words that imitate or suggest the sounds they describe. It adds aural and sensory effects to a poem, making the reader experience the sounds described.

19. Repetition: Repetition is the intentional use of words, phrases, or sounds for emphasis and to create rhythm in a poem. It reinforces key ideas and creates a memorable and impactful effect.

20. Symbolism: Symbolism is the use of objects, images, or actions to represent abstract ideas or qualities. It adds depth and layers of meaning to a poem by using symbols to convey complex emotions or concepts.

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Tak fokus

"Krabi nak pergi mana? Ao Nang ke Railay? Ao Nang boleh naik cruise tengok sunset. Railay boleh ambil bot pusing-pusing"
"Kenapa abang tak jawab Mak Ucu call? Kak Ain mesej abang tak reply. Ratus kali Ary call. Jawab la, bang. Maybe ada benda penting"
"Ara tengok abang menung je. Kerja tak buat. Abang kenapa?"
"Tak fokus"



Umar: Daddy, bila kita akan berpindah?
Daddy: Bila daddy dapat rumah dekat tasik
Adam: Hutan ke daddy?
Daddy: Sub-bandar. Daddy nak cari cottage
Umar: Ibu menjerit nanti daddy
Daddy: Ayat pun
Umar: Ibu tak suka nyamuk
Daddy: Tolong pujuk Ibu
Umar: Daddy suruh Adam. Anak emas Ibu
Daddy: Sini Ibu ada bising pasal nyamuk?
Adam: Ada. Sebab kes denggi meningkat tinggi. Ibu spray setiap malam
Umar: Daddy, kita pindah Los Angeles. Ibu mesti suka
Adam: San Francisco best. Kita melawat sepuluh tahun dahulu
Umar: Gila kentang otak Adam
Adam: Daddy sedih Mama tinggalkan kita. Daddy, can we go to San Francisco again?
Daddy: Boleh. Nanti kita pergi
Adam: Daddy ada nombor telefon Mama?
Daddy: Tak ada
Umar: Mama takkan reply…
Daddy: Tak payah ingat-ingat lagi Mama tak reply  tu. Mama sibuk. Mungkin terlepas pandang mesej daddy
Umar: Tapi daddy
Daddy: Dah. Benda dah lama. Jangan ingat
Umar: Kakak tak makan tunggu Mama reply. Mama marah daddy. Mama benci kita semua sebab Uncle A


Tak nak

Daddy: Cuba datang sini. Kemain la dia
Raysha: *buat tak tahu*
Daddy: Nak ke tak nak?
Raysha: Nak
Daddy: Ibu panggil Lily okey je. Kenapa daddy tak boleh? Daddy kan handsome. Kata nak, hulur tangan
Raysha: *tak layan*
Daddy: Nak ke tak nak?
Raysha: Tak nak
Daddy: Kenapa tak nak? Tadi kata nak
Raysha: Tak nak
Daddy: Kenapa tak nak? Kecik-kecik dah demand


Pertama kali

Daddy: Daddy mandi lepas tu kita main, okey?
Hasha: Daddy
Daddy: Hasha dah pandai panggil daddy! Yeay!


Redefine what love is

“And then you meet someone in life,

Where nothing was planned and their existence came by unexpected.

And they show you what loves means. They show you how someone should be loved.

They show you how people would grow in love and learn to love themselves more.

They’ll enter your life to redefine what love is.

They’ll make you believe in love again.”
