Get a fresh haircut and trim my beard.
Apply an alluring fragrance and dress well.
Prepare dinner: brown rice, salmon, edamame, and avocado.
At 12:11 am, I was about to give salam, but she was already peacefully asleep.
Sumber: Facebook
Sekuat mana tumbukan Mike Tyson semasa muda?Rata-rata tumbukan lelaki biasa dalam 150 PSI. Manakala peninju profesional dalam 800 PSI. Jake Paul memiliki tumbukan sekitar 800 PSI dan ke atas.Akan tetapi, kekuatan tumbukan Mike Tyson pada umur muda dulu sekitar 1,800 PSI. Bagaimana persamaan 1800 PSI? Ia umpama seseorang dilanggar kenderaan pada kecepatan 70km sejam, boleh mati kalau kena langgar kenderaan selaju itu. Jika kenderaan itu melanggar dinding, dinding boleh roboh. Serta jika kekuatan tumbukan itu dihentak pada permukaan logam, logam boleh remuk.Semasa babak pertarungan Donny Yen dengan Mike Tyson dalam Ip-Man, ia sendiri mengakui dia takut sekiranya mati ditumbuk oleh Mike dalam babak tersebut.Sumber: Facebook
'Lawa.. n elegan. Untung boifrend. Org cantik suara sedap'
Did you know, that we have a special connection to the stars up in the sky? A long, long time ago, before you, me, or even the Earth was here, there were giant stars way up in space. Inside those stars, a magical thing happened. They made the same things that are now in your body!So, the stars made tiny bits called 'nitrogen,' and that's now in your body helping you grow! They made 'calcium,' and now it's in your teeth, making them nice and strong. And iron, which is in your blood and helps you run and play! And, guess what? Even the yummy apples you eat have tiny bits that stars made!One day, those stars went ‘BOOM’ in a big, bright explosion! And all those little bits floated out and became part of our world. Isn’t that amazing? You have a bit of star inside you, making you extra special!
My dearest,I don’t know what to write, but being far from you, even when you’re just going to work, makes me feel lonely. I miss seeing you around the house. It feels like something is missing. Your presence warms our home.Enjoy your day, darling.Yours to keep,Abang
"When I am unhappy, I read your letters. When the mist overwhelms the “I” in me, I take two or three letters out of the little box and reread them. They remind me of my true self. They make me overlook all that is not high and beautiful in life. Each and every one of us, must have a resting place somewhere. The resting place of my soul is a beautiful grove where my knowledge of you lives."Kahlil Gibran, Love letters to Mary Haskell
Kes satu
"Sy pernah kena. Sy adu bekas suami pukul. Boleh pulak ustaz tu ckp mcm ni, puan makan nasi lemak pg td puan ingt tak rasa mcm mana? Ptutnya tak. Mcm tu jugaklah ptutnya puan lupa apa bekas suami buat dan taat.Sy smpai warded kena pukul.Memalukan ustaz saja..sampai skrg sy x boleh lupa."_
Kes dua
"Saya nak kongsikan kes terakhir minggu lepas - kes menerusi telefon melibatkan luahan isteri yang berdepan dengan suami yang baran, kasar dan suka caci maki hanya dengan sebab yg remeh.Satu ketika, dalam satu pertelingkahan, si suami bersuara: "Tak kisah lah, kalau mati pun mati lah..." Kata-kata suami menjadikan isteri takut dan bertindak keluar dari rumah.Tak lama, isteri dipanggil menghadiri sesi kaunseling di pejabat agama atas aduan si suami. Menurut Ustaz bertugas, si isteri (klien saya) dah nusyuz sebab keluar rumah tanpa izin suami.Bila si isteri adukan tentang ugutan yang suami katakan, jawab si Ustaz: "Awak tu isteri, kalau perlu mati pun kat tangan suami, tak pe sebab awak tu isteri..."(Sumber: Facebook)
1. Tasbih (تسبيح):"SubhanAllah" (سبحان الله)
2. Tahlil (تهليل):"La ilaha illallah"
(لا إله إلا الله)
3. Tahmid (تحميد): Alhamdulillah" (الحمد لله)
4. Takbir (تكبير):"Allahu Akbar" (الله أكبر)
5. Istighfar (استغفار):"Astaghfirullah" (أستغفر الله)
6. Hawqalah (حوقلة):"La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah"
(لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله)
7. Salawat (صلوات):"Allahumma salli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa 'ala ali Muhammad"
(اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد)
8. Kalimah Tayibah:"La ilaha illallah, Muhammadur Rasulullah"
(لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله),