Monday, December 02, 2024


I had a great day snowboarding with my toddlers. This isn’t their first time snowboarding, as they started skiing at an early age. Toddlers aren’t afraid to try new things; they are courageous. Omne initium difficile, but now nothing can stop them. They’re capable of much more than we often think. Never underestimate their abilities.

Two months ago, I took them camping outdoors, and they really enjoyed it. I also go hiking with them, carrying all of them—much like a Sherpa carrying gear to Everest Base Camp. I firmly believe that kids should have fun and learn outside the house. They belong in nature, and I find joy in introducing them to its beauty.

Studies show that children become more intelligent and dynamic when they spend time with their fathers. Research also reveals that kids experience their highest oxytocin levels while playing with their dads and their highest levels while cuddling with their moms. Fatherhood is amazing—it’s a journey that truly makes my heart soar.

Dec 1, 2024