Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Tentang sedekah

"Sedekah terbaik kita bagi orang makan. Belanja orang makan besar pahala. Kalau tak silap, satu suap satu gunung emas. Abang tak nak bangun dekat padang mahsyar bogel. Tak nak bogel kena sedekah pakaian. Empat golongan yang berpakaian di Padang Mahsyar - para nabi dan rasul, orang yang mati syahid, orang yang mati dalam ihram dan orang yang sedekahkan pakaian"
"Maceh jawab dengan sempurna. Untung tau kawin laki tua. Semua dia tahu"



"Terima kasih lahirkan kembar. Abang happy sangat. Setakat ni kembar dah pergi hiking, outdoor camping, snorkeling, snowboarding. Pandai tanam pokok, bagi ikan makan, bawa itik balik kandang, bancuh simen, susun bata, dah pandai guna mesin jahit. Lepas ni nak buat mini military training. Cadang nak beli mini dirt bike macam scrambler tu siap nak buat litar tepi rumah. Tepi military base training ada litar motocross. Power"
"Snorkeling tak tahan tu"
"Budak suka air"
"I guess I chose the right man. Nak anak lagi tak? Hihihi"
"Tunggu kembar besar sikit"
"Nak nam tau hihihihi"
"Kembar 6? Huish pengsan"


Best advice for a man

Umar: Daddy, what’s the best advice for a man?
Daddy: Always show up and be present. You won’t fail 85% of the time if you show up. People are moved by small efforts, and for a man, love is an action. It could be as simple as sending your loved one some fried rice during her work routine or providing a sleeping mat and blanket for her to rest. Showing up can create significant changes in our lives
Ibu: Your daddy may not always be physically present masa dating, but he’s always there for me when I need him, especially during my lowest moments. He’s a great listener. Daddy Babang hebat tau. Even when we argue, he still answers my calls and listens to my rants. Be like him
Umar: Babang tak sabar seperti daddy
Ibu: Mmm, brutally honest

"Masa cinta kita ada gaduh ke?"
"Masa tunang?"
"Aman damai je kita, kan? Lepas kawin ha"
"Ha apa?"
"Tak ada apa hehe"


When staying hurts

On December 12, 2024, I found a note in my wife's notebook that said, 'Sometimes, staying hurts more than not being together.'

The right one

Umar: How do we know if we've met the right one?
Daddy: *If you ever find someone who would offer you something they love. If you ever find someone who would cancel something important for you. If you ever find someone who would give you time in a world full of things that keep us apart. If you ever find someone who would stay up late just to talk to you. If you ever find someone who's willing to give you a piece of themselves. If you ever find them, don't let go
Adam: Daddy always has a poem ready to read
Daddy: I’ve realized that when we fall for someone at a young age, when we have nothing to offer other than love—and when they accept that all we can bring to the table is love, attention, and affection without involving material things, status, or wealth—that’s true love. When we grow older, we sometimes “choose” who we want to fall in love with. Don’t be surprised: a mature woman might choose a man based on stability, not love. Not all relationships are based on love. Sometimes, men also choose a woman not entirely out of love but for other reasons


Hartamas, KL

World ID

Many Malaysians are queuing to register for the Worldcoin Orb through MyEG to obtain a World ID. The initiative involves biometric data collection, specifically iris scans, for identity verification, followed by passport verification. This process ensures that each registered individual is uniquely identified as human. While the registration process is facilitated by MyEG and supported by MIMOS Berhad, the biometric data is processed and managed by Worldcoin, a decentralized network emphasizing privacy and security. Worldcoin's system generates a unique identifier, called an IrisHash, from the iris scan. This IrisHash is stored on a decentralized blockchain, not as raw biometric data, but as a mathematical representation that cannot be traced back to the individual. This approach is designed to maintain privacy while enabling secure digital identity verification. The main attraction for many registrants is the reward of free WLD tokens, which are distributed to those who successfully register and complete the verification process. These incentives, alongside Worldcoin’s promotion of its technology, have driven significant interest and participation in Malaysia.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Memendam rindu

Memendam rindu dalam diam
seperti menjaga api kecil di tengah badai
tak akan padam 
namun tak mampu menyala terang.
Hanya menggigil dalam sepi
berharap waktu membawa keberanian 
untuk menyentuhmu kembali.

Seperti menatap bulan dari kejauhan
indah, namun tak tergapai oleh tangan.
Rindu ini adalah sunyi yang berbicara
mengukir bayangmu di setiap penjuru jiwa.

Pantai Klebang, Melaka

Thursday, December 19, 2024


"Ara, bangun. Nak Subuh dah"
"Dah Subuh?"
"Ha. Cepat mandi, kita pergi masjid"
"Bangun. Abang makan nanti"
"Makan aje la kita"
"Amboi dia. Sanggup tu"
"Cepat laaa"
"Bangun, bangun. Mandi"
"Kita perempuan. Sembahyang rumah aje"
"Jom la"
"Hehe teringat Bubu. Comel"
"Tak payah ehhhh"
"Dudidudi damdam dudidudidam"

Hartamas, KL

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Pandangan sekilas

"Tak nak lalu…tapi kalau Ara nak pusing…abang okey je"
"Eleh tapi rindu"
"Setiap kali lalu situ, abang teringat kata-kata Saidina Ali"
"Ada kalanya perang terjadi kerana satu kalimat, dan ada kalanya cinta tertanam kerana pandangan sekilas"
"Jangan ingat. Memang sakit la jiwa"
"Everyone you meet have something to teach you. Simpan dia dalam hati abang tapi hidup untuk hari ini"
"Acam tu aje la dia. Ye, ye"

Hospital Kajang

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Major Istighfar

"Astaghfirullahal 'azim alladhi la ilaha illa huwal hayyul qayyumu wa atubu ilayh"


"I seek forgiveness from Allah, the Magnificent, the One besides whom there is no god, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer, and I turn to Him in repentance."

Special night

From Paris to London, to Hay-on-Wye, to Edinburgh, and then Monaco—passionate words, candlelit dinners, laughter, and a special night together. Hallelujah, we make love—hehe, yeehaw!

Saturday, December 14, 2024


"If your pain is greater than the love, leave. There's no point to cuddle something that you despise".

I found these notes in my wife’s notebook this morning.


"Abang okey?"
"Kenapa nangis?"
"Tak ada apa…"
"Mengenang dosa yang banyak…"
"Sebab tu?"
"Haah. Badan abang bergetar masa baca Sahih Muslim tadi. Abang takut…takut dengan peringatan yang nabi bagi…bila teringat dosa. Abang takut masuk api neraka…hmm. Dada pun rasa sempit…"



Setiap hari aku berazam untuk menghubunginya, namun rasa itu aku tangguhkan. Aku rindu semuanya. Dia yang manis, putih bersih kulitnya. Merdu suara, jika ketawa terdengar riang. Rasa dan rindu ini aku pendam dalam-dalam. Kalau dulu, aku selalu memohon agar dia jadi milikku, tetapi kini tidak lagi. Kata Ustaz Zamrul Idrus, kita hanya boleh mohon di jodohkan dengan seseorang yang halal di nikahi. Dia isteri orang - haram untukku, hatta memohon untuk di satukan. Hati aku hancur luluh…

Aku tidak pernah berbohong. Rindu ini sakit. Melawan rasa rindu, pasrah akan takdir lebih menyakitkan. Aku masih menyimpan hasrat untuk menghubunginya atau sekadar menyambung silaturrahim melalui emel, tapi semuanya aku tangguhkan dari sehari ke sehari. Itulah cara aku menjalani hidup - memujuk hati yang sarat dengan air mata. Rindu ini untuknya, tapi Tuhan mentakdirkan dia bukan milikku. Setiap kali jam berdetik 9 pagi atau 10/11 malam - ingatan aku pantas berlari mengingat dia yang jauh di sana.

Aku rindu dia yang manis, tapi aku tahu rindu ini harus pupus. Kata sebuah petikan puisi dari Kita Yang Bercerita, 'Aku merindukan seseorang yang seharusnya kulupakan'. Ketika di Parque Central de Antigua pada 7 September lalu, Ara bertanya 'Tapi manusia suka dengan kenangan. Kenapa, abang?'. Jawabku, 'Kenangan kekal walau hati berubah. Kadang-kadang kita yang tak mahu melupakan, kita yang tak mahu sembuh.' Kataku lagi, 'It's like pain is the only connection between you and the memory'.

Ara membalas 'But it hurts, abang'. Ya, benar. 'If it’s worth it, people don’t mind suffering because it’s worth it'. Aku memetik kata-kata Haruki Murakami, 'I can bear any pain as long as it has meaning.' Ara menyambung pertanyaan 'Why do people pick pain for memories that hurt them?'. Aku tak punya jawapan yang tepat, tapi aku cuba jelaskan sesuatu. 'Maybe memories are treasures that we hold close to our hearts. The busyness of the world can't stop our thoughts from remembering all those bittersweet memories.'

Begitulah aku memberi jawapan sambil mataku memandang langit mengingat seseorang yang tak pernah lekang dari ingatan. Kesabaran itu kata Saidina Ali ada dua: Sabar atas sesuatu yang tidak kau ingini dan sabar menahan diri dari sesuatu yang kau ingini. Kesabaran itu bukan hanya sekadar menunggu, tetapi melibatkan cara kita mengawal diri dan emosi terhadap sesuatu yang berlaku. Sabar itu mudah di ucapkan, tetapi sukar di lakukan. Kata-kata yang ringkas tapi dalam maknanya.

Sekarang Ara berkerja di kampus. Setiap kali memikirkan hal itu, aku rasa tertekan. Barangkali aku membayangkan tanpa pengetahuanku, Ara mempunyai orang lain. Sesiapa pun akan terluka bila kesetiaan telah hilang. Aku dihimpit rasa bersalah. Hakikatnya, aku telah mengganggu rumah tangga orang. Aku mungkin telah hancurkan sebuah keluarga  yang bahagia kerana terlalu menurut kata hati kerana aku gagal mengawal diri. Memendam rindu tidak mudah ibarat menikam diri berkali-kali setiap hari.

Oktober 28, 2024

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

The best day

I still remember these words you said to me many, many years ago: 'Tak suka Ryanair. Gegar teruk.' You lamented about Ryanair. I think that was the first time you used Ryanair. I can't remember your destination—maybe Dublin?

I've just set foot in Wales. Yesterday, or maybe the other day, I listened to the song you shared with me a long time ago—High by Lighthouse Family. I still remember that song. It brings back sweet memories that I don't want to forget. I don't want to forget you.

Time is fleeting, and once it passes, it cannot be reclaimed. In Japanese, they say, 今日は二度と戻ってこない (kyō to iu hi wa nidoto modotte konai) — it means 'today will never come again.' The best "today" was when you were with me. A moment frozen in time.

I guess I need to learn to move on once again. I won’t hope for another phone call, but I still find myself hoping for one. I need to let you live as you are, just like before we started contacting each other again. But I guess moving on from you isn’t what I really want.

The posterity—a boy, isn’t it?

Cardiff, Wales
Dec 9, 2024

Monday, December 09, 2024


"Hari tu abang baca dia kata adik-beradik bini dia semua perempuan. Abang ingat sebab dia kata family dia semua laki. Bini dia semua perempuan, semua doktor"
"Orang dah serang Dr. Halina, bang. Lambatttt"
"Susah la doktor Malaysia nak masuk Ireland lepas ni sama macam orang Malaysia belum masuk Korea dah kena hantar balik. Satu buat hal semua kena"


"Do not give me flowers to exchange for your intimacy. This is not you, abang." These words struck me deeply. We haven’t had intimacy for quite some time, and I thought perhaps a bouquet of flowers could make up for it. I feel guilty. I feel like I haven’t fulfilled my responsibilities as a husband. Thank you for being patient with me.

I recently read an article by Abigail Brenner that made me reflect. There are several key points I want to share with you, which I’ve written down:

A) We learn from the feelings and behaviors of our partner. Gaining new perspectives through their life experience enhances the quality of our own.

B) A healthy relationship nurtures and embraces each of our unique qualities.

C) You feel free and comfortable to express what’s on your mind.

D) You truly “listen” to what your partner is saying—not just the words, but the emotions and feelings they express through their actions and behaviors.

E) Ideally, you and your partner are aligned on key life issues—family values, raising children, religious and spiritual beliefs, even politics.

F) There’s an unshakable confidence that no matter what happens, your partner will remain loyal to you and to the relationship. They will honor their commitments, refrain from lies, and remain open to resolving any difficulties that arise.

G) Learning how to give and take is essential in problem-solving. But above all, each partner must equally contribute to making major decisions and choices.

I) A healthy relationship teaches us that by standing together and moving forward as one, we will successfully reach what awaits us on the other side. Unity provides strength and balance.

Although what Abigail Brenner writes may not directly relate to what I’m trying to convey, I want you to know that I truly believe we share a healthy relationship, and for that, I am grateful. I used to strive for makoto in every aspect of my life, but I am not impeccable. I made a mistake, and I regret it. I'm struggling to express myself and I’m sorry.

Work hard

If you want to buy things without looking at the price, work without looking at the clock.

September, 2024

Sunday, December 08, 2024

Syrian civil war

The opposition group, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, has claimed to have taken control of Damascus, forcing Bashar al-Assad to flee Syria. This development has been widely celebrated by Muslims worldwide, as Bashar is regarded as a tyrant responsible for years of civilian slaughter since the Arab Spring uprising in 2011. Bashar has received support from Iran, Russia, and Hezbollah, while Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra before rebranding, has been backed with financial, military, and logistical aid from the United States, Turkey, and Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Initially, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham was linked to al-Qaeda.

Saturday, December 07, 2024

I miss you

I had dreams two days in a row. I woke up, took a bath (it’s winter, but Asian people still take baths wherever they go), and prayed (for you). It was a dream about you, though I don’t remember the details. I’ve been trying to keep you off my mind, but in the end, you’re the one I always think about. A few days ago, my wife shared a video, and it reminded me of you. Take care, sweetheart. I miss you a lot.

"All roads lead to you, even those I took to forget you." — Mahmoud Darwish

Friday, December 06, 2024


"Every time kita balik, abang selalu suruh kita cakap dekat Bonda tak payah masak sebab abang nak beli"
"Kita yang balik bermakna kita nak raikan orang tua kita. Bukan dia raikan kita sebab kita balik"
"Astu untung kawin laki tua. Memahami"


Suami pertama

"Kita kan masa honeymoon kan nervous tau bab suami suruh ambil wuduk depan dia acam cikgu sekolah. Astu abang betulkan wuduk kita. Kita acam rasa abang laki tua yang sweet hihi"
"Apa pulak tua"
"Abang tegur kita ngaji. Kita lupa tanda wajib berhenti"
"Semua ingat"
"Mesti la. Suami pertama hihi"
"Hai, nak ada yang kedua pulak ke?"
"Hihihi tak laaa"
"Habis tu lain macam je"


Hybrid warfare

A news report states that a Chinese ship, the Yi Peng 3, is suspected of intentionally cutting underwater cables in Sweden and Finland. The ship, which has a Russian captain, was in the vicinity when two undersea cables were damaged, raising concerns of sabotage amid ongoing geopolitical tensions. While Swedish and Finnish authorities are investigating, the Kremlin has denied any Russian involvement, labeling accusations as absurd. The incidents have prompted discussions about hybrid warfare targeting critical infrastructure in Europe.


Recent reports indicate that a Russian submarine, specifically the Ufa, was spotted in Philippine waters, leading to concerns about its presence in the region. The submarine surfaced 148 km west of Mindoro on November 28, prompting the Philippine Navy to track it. Analysts suggest this may signal Russia's support for China amid rising tensions in the South China Sea. Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. expressed concern over the intrusion into the nation's exclusive economic zone, highlighting the geopolitical implications of such military movements.

Wednesday, December 04, 2024

Martial law

South Korea's President Yoon Suk Yeol has declared martial law, a measure rarely taken in the country's history. The last notable instance occurred during the 1980 Gwangju Uprising.

Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Monday, December 02, 2024

Transhausen by Proxy

Munchausen syndrome by proxy, also known as Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another, is a psychological condition. Recently, a term called "Transhausen by Proxy" has emerged in Western culture, which some argue is a growing issue. Many political experts believe one of the factors contributing to Donald Trump's victory in the recent U.S. presidential election was his opposition to this trend.

Transhausen by Proxy refers to a situation where someone indirectly experiences or engages with transgender identity or issues without being transgender themselves. In short, it is alleged that some parents groom their children to be transgender. I feel deeply disturbed seeing people do this to their children. How can parents impose such a harmful ideology on their own child?


Be careful, Microsoft is spying on what you type using their platform. Change your settings.


I had a great day snowboarding with my toddlers. This isn’t their first time snowboarding, as they started skiing at an early age. Toddlers aren’t afraid to try new things; they are courageous. Omne initium difficile, but now nothing can stop them. They’re capable of much more than we often think. Never underestimate their abilities.

Two months ago, I took them camping outdoors, and they really enjoyed it. I also go hiking with them, carrying all of them—much like a Sherpa carrying gear to Everest Base Camp. I firmly believe that kids should have fun and learn outside the house. They belong in nature, and I find joy in introducing them to its beauty.

Studies show that children become more intelligent and dynamic when they spend time with their fathers. Research also reveals that kids experience their highest oxytocin levels while playing with their dads and their highest levels while cuddling with their moms. Fatherhood is amazing—it’s a journey that truly makes my heart soar.

Dec 1, 2024

Sunday, December 01, 2024


Since deciding to move from Costa Rica to Cyprus, I’ve felt a lingering sense of unease that I can’t quite explain. Cyprus, a small island nation divided between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, holds strategic significance in the Eastern Mediterranean. My research revealed that Jewish investors have been purchasing property on a large scale in Cyprus, which maintains strong ties with Greece. The presence of an Israeli military base on the island further highlights its importance. Given its proximity to Turkey, Cyprus finds itself at the crossroads of regional power struggles. Some speculate that these developments are linked to broader territorial ambitions tied to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 

This reminds me of similar patterns unfolding in Southeast Asia, particularly in Malaysia. Mainland Chinese investors have been acquiring significant properties in Malaysian cities, a trend that mirrors the situation in Cyprus and Greece. Meanwhile, tensions between Malaysia and China have escalated, particularly over territorial disputes. China recently claimed the Luconia Shoals (locally known as Gugusan Beting Raja Jarum) in its new map. These shoals, located just 100 kilometers from Sarawak but over 2,000 kilometers from mainland China, are a critical flashpoint. Chinese coast guard vessels have reportedly chased Malaysian fishing boats and warned Malaysia against exploring oil and gas in the area.

Amid these tensions, the arrival of the U.S. Navy's USS Abraham Lincoln in Malaysia signals American interest in countering China’s growing regional influence. China’s claim over territories like Nankang Ansha (Beikang Ansha) appears aimed at limiting U.S. military expansion and preventing Asia from becoming a strategic base for American forces. The U.S. is also closely monitoring the ties between Malaysian Chinese communities and mainland China, viewing them as a potential challenge. Similarly, Washington’s focus on Taiwan reflects the ongoing power struggle with Beijing in the Indo-Pacific. These events underscore the careful maneuvering of global powers, each advancing their influence like pieces on a chessboard.