Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The only one

"In the most selfish way possible, I want to be the only one who has your heart. I want to be the one who understands it completely, the one who holds it close. I don't want anyone else to feel your touch or experience the warmth of your presence. I don't want anyone else to kiss your lips or taste the sweetness that I cherish. I want to be the one who kisses you goodnight and wakes up with you each morning. I want to be the reason you smile, to see the light in your eyes from the smallest things that make you happy. I want to be the one who brings you happiness and makes you laugh until you cry. I want us to be in the same book and to end in the same chapter. I want to be your last everything. In the most selfish way possible, I want all of you forever." 
— Unknown