Tuesday, May 28, 2024

We can't rewind time

"Kenapa tangan?"
"Tumbuk besi"
"Sebab apa?"
"Habis satu botol baru buka tak tahu siapa buat jatuh"
"Sebab tu je?"
"3 hari straight macam-macam jadi"
"Benda kecik yang abang ingatkan sangat. Let go tak boleh ke?"
"Benda kecik apa? Semua benda tak kena"
"Abang marah anak. Salah kecik je. 40 ringgit punya pasal abang mengamuk"
"Sebelum tu 130"
"Tak ada rezeki nak buat macam mana? Allah tulis bukan rezeki kita, sabarlah. Benda dah jadi. Bukan mahal tara mana sangat. 180 je. Beli baru tak boleh ke? Tak payah marah-marah"
"Susah cakap dengan Ara"
"What's up with you?"
"A tiny dumb mistake drives me nuts"
"Your kids already said sorry. What more do you want? How much you want me to make up for what you lost?"
"Bukan sebab duit. Careless"
"Things happen. We can't rewind time. Once the oil's on the floor, it isn't going back into the bottle. What do you want them to do? Nothing can fix the oil now. Lately, you've been off. What's going on with you?"
"I dunno"