Sunday, March 13, 2016

Don’t ever forget that

Morning, cupcake.

Saja baca emel awak - tarikh hari ini tahun lepas. Abang senyum. Awak garang betul. Have a bless weekend, sayang. 

PS: I regret the words I said in this email. Deep inside, I know I want you. I need you in my life. We have a long journey ahead of us. I also realize that I won’t have you back in my life, no matter how much I want to. Living without you is like breathing without oxygen.

PPS: I love re-reading your emails. They bring up a lot of emotions. Sometimes I feel sad, sometimes I feel angry, sometimes I feel better, but most of the time I feel joy. I smile all day without any reason. I may not be the man you are looking for, but you are the woman I am looking for.

PPPS: Whether I deserve you or not, I love you. Don’t ever forget that.

Batu-Batu Resort-Pulau Mensirip-Pulau Gaul
11.37 am