Monday, August 05, 2024

Rebuilding a relationship

Hi my love,

It feels surreal that you left me and the kids so suddenly. I'm sorry I didn't stop you from going back to KL. I should have intervened and tried to solve our problems instead of staying silent. I didn't want to argue with you, which is why I kept quiet. Sometimes my words can be harsh, and I know they hurt you.

This morning, as I watched the sunrise, I remembered how beautiful my days were when you were with me. The sunsets remind me of the incredible days we've spent together. I miss your smile, your scent, your hugs, and your kisses. I don't want to lose you. I can't imagine a life without you. I want to spend my life with you.

Life has been challenging, but having you made it worthwhile. You are my rock and my backbone. I am always grateful to have a woman like you in my life. You taught me to open up and share my thoughts. You've always been wonderful – never judging or exploiting my vulnerabilities, even in conflict.

Statistics show that 92% of breakups happen because people stop communicating. Silence doesn't solve anything; it only creates distance. Let's talk when you're ready and rebuild our relationship from the ground up. Please don't give up on us. We can fix this. Don't give up on our hopes and dreams. 

No matter how many issues we face, I still want to be with you. No argument can make me stop loving you. Disagreements and fights are part of a growing relationship. We've built a strong foundation; let's give ourselves a chance to rebuild what was damaged. It's not too late to start over. Rome wasn't built in a day.

A strong relationship requires mature understanding, good communication, and patience. We support each other's dreams, make plans together, and share our laughter and tears. Loving someone is easy when times are good, but real love is tested during tough times. A strong love doesn't easily turn to ashes.

“You will only expect a few words. What will those be? When the heart is full it may run over; but the real fullness stays within… Words can never tell you… how perfectly dear you are to me – perfectly dear to my heart and soul. I look back, and in every one point, every word and gesture, every letter, every silence – you have been entirely perfect to me – I would not change one word, one look. My hope and aim are to preserve this love, not to fall from it. Enough now, my dearest. You have given me the highest, completest proof of love that ever one human being gave another. I am all gratitude – and all pride…that my life has been so crowned by you.” — Robert Browning 

Forever and always,