Sunday, August 11, 2024

Take care little one

Hey little one,

This is just a quick message. Please tell your mom to buy chewing gum and chew it when driving at night. It can prevent her from microsleep, and chewing gum can also help restructure her face shape. It will keep people looking younger. She wouldn't believe it when I say this, I know.

She doubts everything, including my love for her. No, I don't miss her like she misses me, I don't love her like I always say, and I don't want her. This is what she wants to hear. No, I don't get mad at her for questioning all that. I got used to it a long time ago. It's water under the bridge. 

It's a sign that she made the right choice a decade ago. Maybe now is my chance to have her in my life as my marriage is nearly collapsing, but I can't build a relationship on other people's tears. Nevertheless, you take care of yourself. Maybe I won't write to you like I used to.

Tell her to eat a half-boiled egg in the morning and a teaspoon of honey. I recommend kelulut honey rather than tualang asli. Tualang asli, if bought from a seller in a village or from indigenous people, might not be hygienic. It will disgust her. Each time I remember, I myself feel yuck!

So yeah, remind her to buy a packet of chewing gum.

Till then, you take care, little one.

Yours truly,
Uncle Imran

On board for Hong Kong