Monday, May 06, 2024

Thank you, Hara

I am in New York City with my family. I originally brought my wife here to attend an orchestra concert at the New York Philharmonic. She has a keen interest in orchestras, particularly piano, violin, and cello. We enjoyed Sheku Kanneh-Mason, Salonen, and Symphonie fantastique at Wu Tsai Theater, David Geffen Hall, which began at 8 pm and ran for 1 hour and 45 minutes. After the concert, I surprised my wife with a romantic candlelit dinner. As we exited the hotel for the orchestra performance, I gently took her hand in mine as we strolled. Later, on our evening walk following the dinner, she intertwined her arm with mine as we moved along.

Thank you, Nurhara, for bringing so much happiness into my life. You treat me like a king. Thanks again, my love.

May 4, 2024
Manhattan, USA