Thursday, January 04, 2024

It kills me inside

"Abang... tak tidur?"
"Tak lena"
"What's bothering your sleep?"
"Many things..."
"Wanna go for a walk?"
"Tak kot. Sakit dada"
"You think too much"
"It's not good for your health"

I thought that if she was with someone else, she would be happy and have the life she wanted. But I was wrong. It turns out she doesn't want just any life, she wants to be with me. How can I sleep well when I know you were very upset? It kills me inside.

When I was recovering from cancer, my first thought was about her. I wanted to let her know that I was healthy and free from cancer. But when I saw her with someone else, it really hurt me and I decided to let her go and disappeared from her life.