Tuesday, October 10, 2017


New profile update
A handsome, good looking, charming and smart gentleman who lives in the middle of a busy city in Kuala Lumpur. He enjoys every breath he takes on this planet with his lovely daughter, Huda and his two sons, Umar and Adam. Imran like drives fast cars (he actually collects them as a man’s toy). He enjoys reading multi-discipline books as an effort to have a better life. Beside books, he’s crazy to solve mathematics equations. In his life, he really desires two main things that matter the most to him; money and hot chicks.

  • Profil macam gampang
  • Ketorak kau handsome. Jambu ada ah
  • Hahaha poyo gila babi oi
  • Bab memuji diri nih mana ada babi lain dapat kalahkan hang
  • Betina betina betina. Sah memang lu
  • Kau mention straight ko dok Bukit Tunku tak leh ke broh?
  • Seteressss mak baca profile kau dik. Banyak benor angkat bakulnye
  • Best profile ever
  • Ayat meleret bang
  • Profile ape ni woih

+ Sabar je la kena kutuk
_ Abang pun siapa suruh update profile. Kan dah kena
+ Orang nak ngadu. Janganlah bahan
_ Hahaha sorry. Hara suka komen Ary! Seteressss sangat dia baca profile abang tu
+ Genglah dengan Ary tu
_ Profile apa ni bang?
+ Tak ada apa. Saja tulis. Dalam flight tadi bosan gila
_ Yeke
+ Yeeeeee. Mana ada profile apa-apa. Saja je