Saturday, October 05, 2024

Cerita kahwin

Daddy: Kakak target nak kawin umur berapa?
Kakak: 33
Daddy: Umar?
Umar: 30
Daddy: Adam?
Adam: 18 hehe
Daddy: Daddy tak galakkan kawin muda tapi kalau nak kawin jugak kumpul duit. Laki yang tak mampu sara keluarga tak boleh kawin. Get rich first, fall in love later. If you choose a woman, you lose money; but if you choose money, you won’t lose a woman
Adam: Money can't buy love, daddy
Daddy: All women want a man with money. No girl likes a broke guy. Remember that
Huda: Daddy, I need your advice too
Daddy: Follow your dreams, not your boyfriend. If you happen to find a good man, keep him. Many girls lose a good man because they listen to toxic friends' advice. Find a man who sees your success as his success, someone who isn’t insecure about your achievements.
Umar: Tunjuk ajarku, Sifu
Daddy: Each time you look for a woman, value her mind above everything else. Every woman is beautiful, but looks alone can’t provide anything. A sharp mind can offer advice, and her mindset will help raise your children. Bob Marley said, "If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing." Nothing worth having comes easy. If you find a good woman, cherish her and give her your all. Live your true love story

New York, USA