Saturday, July 06, 2024

Wonderful feeling

06-07-2024, 3.56 petang

Baru balik dari gym.

"Esok abang nak pergi gym. Lama tak main weight"
"Maintain six pack le tuuu"
"Eh mesti. Biar nampak seksi"
"Seksi sangat"
"Ara mana tahu sebab apa abang main weight selain abang memang suka bersenam, body nampak solid. Kalau Ara tahu nanti Ara jealous haha"
"Sebab apa?"
"Eee mengada"


Because I want to carry her to my bedroom. I don't want her weight to stop me from doing that. So I have exercised every day since I was young. I practiced lifting heavy weights, and to this day I am confident that I can carry her, no matter how much she weighs.

In my eyes, she is still the most beautiful woman who has captured my heart. I can't take my eyes off her.

She doesn't have a perfect body curve, but I never care. Why would I care when she is everything I want in this life?

I love the feeling I get when I think about her. This feeling is indescribable. It's so wonderful.

"Seronok kan kalau baring dekat chest abang"
"Ada six-pack sayang tak suka tu je"

Januari 10, 2024