Monday, April 29, 2024

Personal space

Ara and I share a small bedroom that doubles as our workspace or a retreat for alone time. The room is cozy and includes a single bed, a bookshelf, a record player, a mini fridge, a small pantry, and a bathroom and toilet shared with others. It's a fully equipped space. Occasionally, I spend 3-4 days in this room, fully immersed in my work until completion. Ara utilizes her workspace for tasks such as writing academic journals, proofreading, researching cases, attending meetings, and more. 

We didn't face any issues. We understood that even in the context of marriage, the need for personal space is essential for individual growth and well-being, and this was something we both valued and respected. During moments of restlessness, our shared small space became a refuge, a sanctuary where we could retreat to recharge, reflect, and work on ourselves, striving to become better individuals not just for ourselves but for the benefit of those in our lives. 
