Sunday, March 03, 2024

12:01 am

It's 12:01 AM in Goa, India. My secretary picked up my clothes from the laundry at 8 PM. I packed my luggage and chose my outfit for tomorrow. I'm going to Hanoi. The flight is from New Delhi. I actually changed my schedule. I was supposed to go to Manila first but changed my mind. The work progress in Hanoi is excellent, so I decided to go there for a better mood before dealing with such a problematic project. This project must be completed before the end of this year. Singapore, Oman, Dubai - I was supposed to stay in Goa for only 3 days, but then I got an unexpected project that I am so interested in working on. Hopefully, I can wrap up work before Ramadan and head back home.

Thank you for smoothing out my work, providing me with good food, a healthy body, an unexpected project, (and a couple of nights talking to her - listening to her sleep, reciting her a good poem by T. Alias Taib and Sapardi Joko Damono, and singing her favorite song). I feel blessed and happy.

I'm going to take a cold shower and try to get some sleep.

Good night.