Thursday, February 15, 2024

Give up on Allah?

"Abang pergi sembahyang ke pergi nikah hihi?"
"Solat la"
"Subuh dua rakaat je"
"Habis solat doa"
"Doa apa abang?"
"Doa biasa je"
"Terlintas di hati tapi malu nak minta"
"Malu kenapa?"
"Entah la"
"Sedih tak di kabulkan?"
"If we didn't get what we want, it doesn't mean we won't get it. Maybe not in this world. Maybe Allah has it reserved for you in the afterlife"
"What if we still don't get it in the afterlife?"
"Believe in what you pray for"
"Lose hope"
"Give up on Allah?"
"Tak. Dengan diri sendiri"
"Nothing is impossible for Allah in the afterlife. You can ask for whatever you want. He will grant it to you"
"Berat mengeluh"

Feb 14, 2024