O Allah, I feel compelled to express a deep yearning within my heart. I yearn for a chance to be reunited with her, to love her as if each day is our last, to nurture her as tenderly as an infant, and to devote each breath to her. I am acutely aware that she is in another's life, yet I cannot help but pour out my heart's secret to You, for You are the only One who truly understands the depths of my soul. Her presence brings solace, joy, and a weightlessness that lifts my burdens. Would You consider my humble plea? If it is not meant to be in this life, then perhaps in the afterlife, where it is said every desire can be fulfilled? My love for her, O Allah, is profound and boundless. I am eternally grateful that You brought her into existence; she is Your most exquisite creation in my eyes.
Also, I have an additional, somewhat delicate request. I wish to meet her again as if I were taking my first steps after years of confinement to a wheelchair. It would be a rebirth, a fresh start. I ask that this remain a secret from my wife. If she were to discover it, it would shatter our world. I plead for just this one opportunity, if it may.