"Abangggg janji sunset"
"Ada ni"
"Abang, may I ask a question?"
"Apa dia?"
"Alaa soalan tak muncul"
"What did Spinoza say about life?"
"Kejab. Kain terselak"
"Tak sengaja. Terrrr"
"Jangan alih perhatian kita"
"Spinoza, magnum opus dia Ethics. Kerangka idea dia ada 6 kalau tak salah - The Pursuit of Knowledge, God or Nature, Conatus, Emotional and Intellectual Life. Dua lagi abang tak ingat"
"Let's talk about emotions"
"Kita pilih satu - The Power of Reason. Bagi Spinoza, akal memainkan peranan yang penting dalam mengendalikan emosi. Dengan menggunakan akal, manusia dapat memahami dunia secara menyeluruh termasuklah the causes of our emotions. Melalui pemikiran rasional, kita dapat menilai dan merangka semula emosi kita dengan harapan ia akan membawa kepada kehidupan yang lebih baik dan penuh kegembiraan"
"Tapi cinta tak rasional, kan?"
"You have been rejected by the same girl six times, and she chose some other guy, but you still have feelings for her. There's no rationality in that at all"
"You can't be rational and in love at the same time. Love is madness. Love is an emotion that we can't control. It's beyond our control. Love is an addiction. If you're not addicted to the person you love, you are not in love. It's simple. Forget about the differences and all the details. The key is that person who gives you such an indescribable emotion"
"In your hands, love becomes so magical and beautiful, like sunsets"
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