Sunday, January 14, 2024

Does effort count?

"Abang mimpi apa?"
"Tak mimpi. Tiba-tiba terkejut lepas tu terjaga. Sakit dada"
"Okey tak ni?"
"Okey. Kenapa tak tidur?"
"Buku ni interesting. I met this interesting dude at a bookstore ages ago, and I'm into him"
"Haaa story time"
"But he ain't making any effort to talk to me, not even a simple 'hi.' He keeps his distance, shows no interest, lacks courage. He doesn't show any effort"
"Does effort matter?"
"Of course! Ladies want an enthusiastic man. Show some effort. We want to be appreciated"
"He isn't the most romantic dude I've ever come across. We go on dates to symposiums and museums, but we never go to the cinema, concerts, the beach, or hiking together. No flowers either. It gets me mad sometimes, for real. He's always swamped with work and can't even talk about movies. He hasn't watched a movie or TV in ages, yet that's what makes him interesting. He thinks deeply, speaks less, and enjoys listening. Not every guy has that skill"
"Masalah betul perempuan dengan bunga, kan? Tu satu taman dah kita tanam"
"Hihi dengar la. It's tough to grab his attention. He's the weirdest guy, but I've liked him since the first day I saw him. He's intriguing. He writes me love letters, pantuns, and poetry. This love is like nothing I've ever felt before. My ex was all about the romance game, always showing up with a bunch of flowers, taking me to the movies, strolling along the beach, and spoiling me with gifts. You just give me books, lots of books hihi"
"Abang cuba perbaiki apa yang kurang"
"Businessman memang macam tu kan. Kita tegur on the spot take action"
"Dah orang tegur, kena la ambil tindakan"
"Why eh I like this alien man?"
"Because he can make your heart melt by doing nothing"
"Mmm mmm tapi kan"
"Laa ada lagi ke?"
"Kita tak suka dia. Kadang-kadang dia menakutkan. Sangat menyeramkan"
"Mengiurkan tak hahaha?"
"Abangggggg stop it!"
