Monday, October 16, 2023

Mere memento

"Why did you get rid of it?"
"Tak guna dah. Nak beli lain"
"Cantik je Ara tengok"
"Mana ada sampah kita kutip balik. Once trash, always trash"
"Sayang la. Lama abang simpan. Banyak kenangan"
"Tak semua kenangan perlu di simpan. Ada baiknya kita hapuskan untuk kebaikan diri sendiri"


Whenever I think of you, I promised to put $1 into a savings jar. Once the jar is full, I will count the money and use it to help random strangers who are in need. I'm doing this as a gift because it's the only meaningful thing I can do for you besides praying and giving to charity. It may not mean much to you, but it brings me a little happiness.

But now, I've decided to stop doing it, so the jar is just a memory.