Tuesday, August 29, 2023

I've seen sadness in your eyes

"I overheard your conversation with the kids"
"Which one?"
"About your time in the orphanage—sharing rooms, food, and clothes"
"You never told me"
"I told no one"
"Betul cakap Umar. Abang nampak enjoy, happy bila cerita.Tak sangka..."
"Dalam hidup, kita kena pandai sembunyikan kesedihan kita, struggle kita. Orang tak boleh tahu apa yang kita lalui. Kadang orang gunakan untuk attack kita. Some hide pain in their eyes, others in their smile"
"I've seen sadness in your eyes"
"Abang tak suka cerita benda sedih. Tak nak orang kesian"
"You've been through a lot of pain"
"Yeah, I have"

"Out of all the pain and sadness I've faced, losing someone I loved hurts the most..."