Thursday, August 24, 2023

Eye contact and a heartbeat. That's how it all began

"I've been there before. I know how it feels. I still remember when the doctor said I didn't have any chance to recover. The tumor had spread too fast, and I almost gave up. I even thought about mercy killing. I couldn't walk, and my eyes went blurry. I started learning Braille. I lost my health, my company almost went bankrupt, and I lost her. She left me for someone else. Cancer didn't kill me, but losing her plunged my whole world into darkness"

"You must be living in sorrow"

"Yep. It cuts me deeply. You know, while I'm struggling to gain health back, she enjoy her new life with somebody else. They talk about future life and buying house together"

"It must be a real gut-punch"

"I fought hard. I want my life back. I still hope she texts me every morning, saying hi like nothing happened between us, but I know that isn't going to happen. Her heart belongs to someone else"

"Where did they first cross paths?"

"They met in the hospital when he was admitted for a knee injury. I still remember her words when she fell for him for the first time"

"What did she say?'

"I've known him for a day, but it feels like a year". It's not her fault. She never meant for it to happen. Love just came out of nowhere, at some random time and place"


"Ever since he entered her life, she's been a whole different person. No more soft talk, just harsh words. She's always in a bad mood and gets angry easily over small things"

"When you got someone new, you start seeing all the flaws in the old ones"

"She was loyal to me, but I didn't value her. It's not her fault at all. She asked me to win her heart back, but I refused. It's pointless because I know she didn't love me anymore"

"Your heart is as tough as nails"

"She left me, and that was the best decision she ever made. It was truly a brave and difficult choice in her life, and I know she has no regrets"
