Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Vincent Willem van Gogh

Huda: Daddy, bed time story
Umar: Get ready!
Adam: I'm ready!
Daddy: *van Gogh was depressed until he ended his life, and the reason is that his mother told him when he was young that he was born on the same date as his brother’s death, and that she named him after him, so he felt that he was an alternative being. He just sold one painting in his life
Huda: What a sad story
Adam: Sedih kisah dia 
Umar: Allahu
Daddy: Memang sedih. Sekarang tidur
Huda: Night daddy
Umar: Assalamualaikum
Adam: Selamat malam daddy
Daddy: Baca doa, tidur dengan penuh keimanan

*Loving Vincent (2017)