Friday, July 31, 2015

Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna

“Hi handsome”
Hello princess. Nak kena denda ni”
“Sorry la. Baru sampai rumah la dear. Buat apa?”
“Tengok cerita dengan Adam tadi. Tengok sikit je lepas tu tidur dah”
Movie apa?”
Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna. Lebih kurang macam tu la bunyinya”
“Layan hindustan. Cerita tentang apa?”
“Tentang curang”
“OK je ni. Jangan risau la”
“I know it’s hard, love. If you’re not happy then just leave. Don’t cheat”
“Entah la Min. Maybe the grass is always greener on the other side
“But you still love her with all your heart”
“Hopefully time will heal the pain” 
“But no amount of time can erase the scar, dear”
“Kak Ain cakap time doesn’t heal anything. It teaches us how to live with the pain”
“You’re a strong man. She’s so lucky to have you even just for a while”
“Awak puji saya banyak sangat ni ada apa-apa ke?”
“Mak kita tanya bila awak nak lawat dia. Dia rindu awak la, dear
“Oooo hehehe segan la kita. Awak ni. Macam la saya ni bakal menantu dia”
“Awak jual mahal. Lama tau saya tunggu”
“Mengada la. Suka je melayan kan”
You're the darling of my heart