Friday, April 08, 2011

It’s not our option, God choose for us because He knows better.

Do we need any particular reason to love someone? We love someone for no exactly reason. So don’t bother to ask why. We used to hear love at first sight or last love ever after or puppy love. We believe what we want to believe. For instance, I do believe love at first sight while my wife believes last love. After all, it is about love. Love, in any case is more important than prosperous.

You cannot force someone to love or hate you but certain people do believe that shaman can do it. When I at a stall around my place, I hear [hearsay] someone talking about shaman. Forgive me for hearsay but I couldn't help myself not to hear that because they sit near me.

This woman was talking about her daughter who falling in love with a fat boy. She didn't like that boy simply because he is fat and she claim that her daughter is beautiful and deserve better. She was asking her friend about shaman. She wants the shaman work on something to make her daughter hate that fat boy.

It is not the first time I hear about that. Certain people meet shaman because they do trust shaman could make someone that they adorable fall in love with them. They believe shaman have power to do so. I don’t believe it. Shamans just want your money.

Why we always judge someone by their appearance? It doesn't matter fat or thin, black or white, as long as we love, then it's nothing to be question. There should be no double stand or discrimination. All human being are deserved to be in love. It’s in God’s hand not ours.

If we keep questioning why, it means we questioning God’s work. It’s beyond our ability to choose who we want to love. It’s not our option, God choose for us because He knows better. Remember He creates us.

In short, if we find shaman to change our destiny, it means we change His planned. I don’t know why we used to compare a couple through their appearance. For instance, A doesn't match to B because B is attractive whereas A is not so good-looking. B ought to have better in other words.

Who are we to say A is not suit for B while God write in our destiny that she/he is the one to accompany us in not-so-long journey?

We always want to be God.