Tuesday, July 09, 2024


"Sebenarnya abang nak pergi mana?"
"Nak tengok pemandangan tapi hari ni malas nak bawa sendiri"
"Ingat memori lama ke hihi?"
"Ooo haa baru ingat"
"Lambat tau abang ni"
"Otak tak koordinasi"
"Rehat, sayang. Jangan fikir"
"Senang jugak. Tak payah hadap kereta bersusun"
"Malas cakap eh. Lambat"

Ara wasn't in the mood to go to the bookstore, and I wasn't in the mood to play polo (even though she wanted to play). So, I opted to take an air ride to enjoy the view. It brought back some memories from the past.
