Sunday, July 07, 2024

Last Email

I wasn't hoping to talk to you again after your last email. I am still online on the chat app to copy some conversations. Memories are all I have, and they can't fade away. 

You have removed me from our blog, and I'm too tired to ask why, so I keep silent. I want to write a lot on our blog, but I have a tendency to delete my posts when I feel they aren't written well.

So I just send you emails. I can't delete emails. I love writing to you, about you, and for you. I never get bored. I tried to stop writing about you, but I failed. My ink loves to spell your name.

Don't push me away. I feel sad. I didn't intend to stay. I made a mistake last night by texting you because I know you're sad and finding it hard to cope with this separation. Maybe I was wrong.

I know where I stand in your life and in your heart. I am just an option, but I always delude myself into thinking I am a priority. Pardon me for my mistake. Sadness has clouded my mind.

Do not worry, sayang. I will leave your life. It is better for me to stay away from you, and I hope destiny doesn't cross our paths again. We are both too tired from longing for each other.

I'm sorry for offering comfort yesterday. I was wrong—again and again. Pardon me for my mistake. It won't happen again. Thank you for these wonderful six months. Thank you for everything.